a silver age

Jesse Marinoff Reyes ( Jesse Marinoff Reyes, Maplewood, N.J.)

Face it, most of the time I just want to showcase an old comic book, with or without commentary, and this will be the forum. I grew up with comic books in what is historically the Silver Age (1956-1970) and Bronze Age (1970-1985) of comics, and have a deep affection and professional respect for the creators of that era—fueling my own tenure in comic books as a designer/editor in the early-1990s, and shaping my tastes as an art director overall. I still collect comic books, though much of what is produced today hardly meets the standards that the over-abused and under-appreciated Masters of the past rendered so effortlessly, or should I say professionally. You will find them here, very much appreciated.

--Jack Kirby---

( above) Fantasy Masterpieces
Marvel Comics, December 1966 issue, #6
Illustration: Jack Kirby (1917-1994), pencils, and Vince Colletta (1923-1991), inks

Fantasy Materpieces was one of Marvel’s reprint books (in this case featuring Captain America stories from the 1940s when Marvel was still Timely Comics; and mystery/horror/sci fi reprints from various 1950s and early-1960s books from Marvel’s Atlas-to-Marvel transition), though with new cover art—which could often be quite compelling. Here, the emphasis is on visually “laundry listing” some of the content, as opposed to a spectacular stand-alone image. Kirby is engaging in more “graphic design” so to speak, and studying the layout and use of captioning devices is interesting (and revealing) to me.

---Meeting Jack Davis ... however briefly, was an indelible moment (almost as good as being able to work with him, which would be the bomb!). And, he is STILL working!---

1964 issue, #1
Illustration: Jack Davis (b. 1924)

… If you are anywhere near Brooklyn’s Williamsburg section today, stop by the Brooklyn Comics Fest. Davis will be interviewed by Drew Friedman and a splendid time is guaranteed for all with the venerable comics, caricature, and commercial illustration master—plus, the new, Fantagraphics monograph will be available.

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One Response to a silver age

  1. Eddie says:

    Very nice Kirby and Colletta art.

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