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Tag Archives: william inglis
blissful idleness
Perhaps the greatest of all social revolutions, and one of enormous economic consequences not that profoundly explored, began in the eighteenth-century,when Europe grew not only rich enough to support a large class of non-workers, but also began to organize the … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Anthony Van Dyck, david allan paintings, David Brooks, George Stubbs, james seymour, jane jacobs, Johann Zoffany, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Frank, thomas frank the baffler, Thomas Gainsborough, Thomas Rowlandson, Thorstein Veblen, William Hogarth, william inglis
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tee it up: triple bogey on consumption
Throughout history, people have often been idle, and they have always had holidays. Even in the darkest periods of the Dark Ages, the rich hunted, jousted, sang, danced and made love. The peasants gorged, got drunk and cavorted. Yet, true … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged baggar vance, Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, charles lees, che guevara, david allen painting, Dean Martin, earl Woods, F.Scott Fitgerald, Fidel Castro, j.f. abbott, joseph heath, pierre bourdieu, Robert Redford, Theodor Adorno, Thomas Frank, thomas frank the baffler, Thorstein Veblen, Tiger Woods, william inglis
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