The problem of dating the apparently homogenous ”megalithic culture” of giant stones, ruins found from Ireland and Denmark. southward and eastward to India, became apparent after studies by Dr. Lukis of Jersey and Conrad Engelhardt of Denmark in 1870, concluded they were all built by the same race. Considered as a whole, they were all of identical ground plan and mode of construction with a monumental character appearing to have originated in one and the same culture extending from the Stone to the Iron Age.
”And so, for the first time, serious scientists are going to these sites and pondering the possibility that mankind’s level of sophistication during the last ice age, which they believe ended 11,000 or so years ago, may have been rather higher than the crude barbarism credited to our ancestors by 19th-century paleontologists and accepted as dogma ever since by all subsequent scientists and scholars.
It now appears that not only did “ice age man” possess a technology of construction that enabled him to build truly
spectacular megalithic edifices, but could travel globally and align them with respect to one another and the overall dimensions of the earth, perhaps using celestial navigation skills. This implies the existence of a single global and linguistic culture with an advanced scientific understanding not believed to have existed until modern times. There are so many contradictions with modern assumptions in such a theory that it is violently resisted by custodians of history and science. Perhaps the biggest hurdle is the implication that there must have been a GLOBAL CATACLYSM (or several) in order to explain how mankind could have “forgotten” all of the things the ancient megalith-builders seem to have known. Scholars have been unwilling to accept the idea that any knowledge of the earth’s size or any global civilization existed at such an early epoch. With the new find off Okinawa, however, there seems to be no more room for doubt on the matter. The real question now is: WHY did the ancients build this grid of megaliths?”
There had been a few valiant attempts to fit the whole puzzling megalithic complex into some simple generalized frameworks. Notably, the study by Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, who made the bold claim that all civilization had originated in Egypt and had spread from there to the rest of the world. W.J. Perry made a similar claim that in the twelfth dynasty, about 2000 B.C. colonists from Egypt had regularly set out with the purpose of prospecting for metals and other objects of value, and that they had spread from there along the coasts of Europe, looking for copper, tin, silver, gold, jet and amber.
Their attempts met with protest from orthodox archaeologists on the basis that the ”metal exploitation” theory was unsupported by evidence since the artifacts found in the stone tombs of northern Europe showed no signs of any knowledge of metal working. They instead proposed the ” missionary” idea which reconciled some awkward facts. In pointing out the similarity of all megalith graves from Cyprus to Sweden has skeletons laid to rest in precisely the same way, though the artifacts differed totally from one are to another; the implication being there could have been no megalith building people with a common culture. The only tradition that these beings shared was their method of burying the dead. The analogy of Christian missionaries proselytizing among the uncivilized peoples of humankind in the nineteenth century lent this theory added credence.
It all hung together. And the first breach in this structure only came with the invention of a method of establishing exact dates, a method independent of any theory of diffusion of ideas. The basic ingedient of all organic matter is carbon. There is a constant exchange of carbon occurring in any living organism. Since the amount of C-14 in the carbon of the atmosphere is kept constant by the continual stream of cosmic rays, and since every living creature renewing its C-14 by absorbing carbon, every living creature is radioactive, and to exactly the same degree. But who built them?:
”The show explores the work of Ancient Alien theorist, Erick Von Daniken who is at the vanguard of this movement. However, there is a missing piece to the puzzle that if were put in place might just clear up the mystery once and for all. We have in the supernatural guide-book, i.e. the Bible, an account of how the sons of God – think angels here – came to earth and took any women they choose as wives. The product of this unholy union was what we have come to call the Nephilim. The Nephilim were in fact, a hybrid of fallen angelic beings and human women. They were an abomination. One of the anomalies of the Nephilim was gigantism. While it may seem unbelievable to us the Nephilim
have been as tall as 25 feet or more. This first incursion of the fallen angels was not some weekend excursion, but lasted hundreds of years. In other words the Nephilim may have spread to the for corners of the earth.” ( L.A. Marzulli )
This rather disturbing conclusion was reached by Professor Willard F. Libby of the University of Chicago, in 1946. Soon after, he took his reasoning a step further. When an organism dies, it ceases to absorb new carbon, so that the natural breakdown of its C-14 is not counter balanced by the new intake. The application of this dating method to archaeology was immediately obvious, and has produced surprises over previous guesses such as the origins of agriculture and civilization in the Middle East, and the introduction of agriculture into Europe; pushing the dates back of neolithic agricultural village sites such as Jarmo in northern Mesopotamia to before 7500 B.C. and Catal Huyuk in Turkey to even earlier.
But these dates, while surprising, did not upset the established theories of the progress of Western culture. The beginnings of agriculture were still firmly rooted in the Middle East , and had still spread out from there into Europe. Only in the case of the megaliths did the new system of dating necessitate any major revision of the theories since the earlier dating of the chambered tombs in southern England and Denmark pre-dated the Tholos tombs of the Aegean with clashed with the existing theory of the megalith ”missionaries” sailing from the eastern Mediterranean hundreds of years before the Tholos tombs had even been built; the theory began to quiver at its foundations.
Then, the very basis of Carbon-14 dating came under attack. C-14 dating was based on the assumption that the proportional relationship between c-12 and c-14 in the atmosphere of the earth , and therefore in the vegetation of the earth, had at all times been constant. In 1953, Edmund Schulberg discovered that certain trees still growing on the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada in California were over 4500 years old . The age of these trees, known as the bristlecone pine, was able to be determined with complete exactitude by counting the number of annual growth rings circling the core of the tree. Such tests, would not be used to prove the date of the ring, but rather the accuracy of the c-14 dating process; in fact the trees went back beyond 5000 B.C. under this radio carbon process.
The results were disturbing in the extreme. Tree rings from 2000 B.C. were fairly accurate, but wide divergences occurred from tree rings in the 5000 B.C. era. The discrepancies could only be accounted for by the occurrence of a much higher proportion of radio-active carbon in the atmosphere seven thousand years ago. It means years must be added to already phenomenally early dates determined by radio carbon. And among those features that had to be pushed still further back was the whle megalithic complex.
First, the oldest megalithic graves of Europe were older than any tholos structure of the eastern Mediterranean , older than the pyramids, and older in fact than any known sepulcher known in the Middle East. Such a span of time has made it legitimate to speculate whether there is any reason to consider the ”megalithic culture” as one homogenous phenomenon at all given the great range in time between the passage grave of Brittany and the gallery grave in eastern France and Germany separated by over 2000 years. The present spread of dates could well support a theory that there had, after all, been a ”megalithic religion”, or at least a megalithic tradition, spreading out, not from the Near East but from the Far West, from the Atlantic coasts of northwest France.
The Great Pyramid is just a megalithic monument, a burial chamber with a passage built of large stones and covered with a heap of stones. Is it possible that Newgrange and West Kennet inspired the pyramids? In the end it all comes back to the question of how far ideas can spread in space, and how long traditions can extend in time.
The heroes of the Greco-Roman civilization; Achilles, Thesus, Hercules date from about 1400-1200 B.C. and were preceded by earlier civilizations of Hittites, Babylonians and Egyptians and their heroes such as Gilgamesh, if they lived at all, some thirteen to fifteen hundred years earlier again, perhaps 3000-2700 B.C. But who were the legendary, mythical heroes, older than time, of whom Gilgamesh knew and spoke? And even so, we are far from the beginning. Gilgamesh lived, and the pyramids were built, about 4600 years ago; but halfway back to the start of settled agricultural communities.
”Stone cannot be carbon dated, so we do not know exactly when they were carved, but there are telltale signs that whoever made them possessed great knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, technology, earth energies, and healing. Stone circles, for example, are not always circular, they are sometimes elliptical. Certain megalithic sites have clearly been built with astronomical purpose. The most obvious feature is the lining up of stones to mark equinoxes and solstices. Why do local people need to know when the equinoxes and solstices are happening? The most obvious explanation is that this is crucial for establishing and maintaining a calendar. A calendar is absolutely necessary for agriculture. A year is not exactly 365 days, and even when you add an extra day every four years, eventually, the calendar will be out of sync. The next purpose megalithic sites have is that some of them, if not most, tap into the earth’s energy lines (ley-lines, dragon lines, and others). There are a couple of things you can do with the earth’s subtle energy. First there is healing. Some of the stones have a reputation to heal certain diseases.”
”I believe the reason why the fallen angel theory and their offspring the Nephilim, is overlooked is because it points to the supernatural or interdimensional beings rather than the extraterrestrial hypothesis, and most researchers avoid this like the plague. However, it is here that we find the answers that we are looking for, as it fits together all of the modern UFO occurences as well. Once we embrace the idea that there is a war that is being fought in another dimension and it’s spilling over into ours, we can begin to grasp that there may be a link between what happened thousands of years ago and what is happening today.
The UFO phenomena with all of its components, sightings, crop circles, abductions, implants and mutilations, all bear the mark of interdimensional beings that are, as Jacque Vallee portends, masters of deception!”