Missing You. Memo From Turner: the Rolling Stones graphics really suck. Lame and tame. You can’t always get what you want, but….. unless you really care…..
Art Chantry (art@artchantry.com):
This poster/advert/whatever for the 1975 Rolling Stones world tour (specifically promoting the gator bowl concert) is a mystery to me. Frankly, it’s probably that last cool poster the Rolling Stones ever had. If it wasn’t for the ‘some girls’ record cover a few years later, I might even go as far as to say this is that last time the Rolling Stones even had any cool graphic design. And this is 35 years old!
The Stones used to be so vital and so amazing. They had the midas touch (a dirty nasty midas touch). everything around them turned into cultural gold – very dark scary gold. It was a gift. They had a moment in pop history and they ran with it. But all good things must come to an end – even Elvis got fat and old. Elton John recently called Keith Richards, “an old wallet that mumbles.”
And so went their graphics. At one time they hired the coolest, the best, the greatest talent of their generation: Andy Warhol, Robert Frank, Robert Brownjohn, Richard Avedon, Guy Peeleart, Jon van Hammersveld, John Pasche, Annie Leibowitz, and on and on. what happened?
Something got lost back there. The graphic design they use now just looks bad. Even amazing talents like Steven Sagmeister, Mark Marek and even the godhead of Tibor Kalman couldn’t save them. It’s like their taste for quality and adventure got left at the station.
This poster/advert image I clipped from a magazine (possibly a rolling stone magazine) back when I first saw it. I was very young (about 21 in 1975). but, I was already supporting myself doing graphic work. I saw this image and i thought (even then), thank god! the Stones are back with some decent graphic style. Even the ‘glaser stencil’ typography (so uncool then) looked great. There is a smart eye working here.