Is the use of the word “peasant” a pejorative meaning an insulting, derogatory remark?….
In a pejorative sense the term was first applied by the Spanish colonialists to the religious practices of rural indigenous peoples.It was derogatorily applied due to the excessive and extensive devotion and attention showered onto Catholic saints by the newly converted; often exalted beyond the attention given to Jesus who could only hold a subservient role. Equally, it was also applied to those identifying with pagan ritual as well; “orishas” devotees who saw them as saints were interpreted as an extreme worship of demi-gods which implied the neglect of God. So, a demeaning term called santeria was used to categorize the religious traditions of the so-called savages, who were seen as occultish. Its always been a way to denote status and distinction and a means to justify invidious comparisons with economic inferiors with the additional traits of being simple-mined, rustic, crude and so on…
From Conrad Black on Rupert Murdoch:
To be fair, Wolff is correct that Murdoch is very perceptive about people. I once asked him what he thought of Ronald Reagan; after a few seconds, he said: “He is a cunning, charming, old peasant.Read more:

from urban dictionary:...An especially pathetic, low to moderate income individual that attempts to inflate their perceived social status by acquiring material goods sometimes associated with their wealthier counterparts - but immediately identifiable as peasants by their attempts to do so. Peasants often attempt to acquire things like Louis Vuitton purses, lower end version BMW or Jaguar automobiles, large but poor quality solitaire diamonds for rings, new version cell phones, trendy sunglasses, and bottle service tables at nightclubs. Such individuals typically lack the education or worldly exposure to realize that they actually look like low class impostors to anyone wealthy enough to comfortably afford such high end consumer items....Read More: image:
And about Sean Lennon:
(Natalie Evans):John Lennon’s son has launched a furious attack on fans who have condemned Yoko Ono for using the murdered Beatle’s image to sell Citroen cars. Sean Lennon and his mother Yoko Ono have been branded “leeches” for allowing archive footage of John to be used in a commercial….Sean, 35, came back with an series of angry replies dismissing the fan a “peasant” and an “asshole”.

---"When dad died, it was Lennon fans who saved me with their love and support. You are not them, you are just another asshole." Speaking after the the fan, named Stew, said: "Using him to sell Citroen cars from beyond the grave is really sick. I just can't understand why his son and wife would do it. "At least I managed to get through to him and tell him how disgusted I was. I hope the ads stop but if they don't, at least I did my best."---Read More: image:
Sean said: “Lennon fans don’t ATTACK his widowed family. His widow and her son. How offensive is it to REAL fans, to publicly attack his wife and child? “It is you who show him no respect. You are speaking to his flesh and blood. You’re a ‘peasant as far as I can see.’ Read More:
A New Brunswick judge condemned Romeo Cormier’s crimes as “horrendous” as he gave the man an 18-
prison sentence Thursday for holding a woman against her will and sexually assaulting her in his one-room basement apartment for nearly a month. …Last month, a jury found Mr. Cormier, 63, guilty of kidnapping, forcible confinement, sexual assault, assault with a weapon, robbery and uttering death threats in a case that shocked the province….After he was sentenced, Mr. Cormier took issue….

Romeo Cormier. ---In France, throughout the 20th century, and into the 21st, being classified as a peasant was not, and is not, a derogatory term. Indeed, French peasants are those closest to the land, and credited with maintaining much of the traditional folklore and "wisdom of the land." Peasant women wore sensible shoes, in comparison to their Parisian sisters. The peasant's walk was meant to cover ground, and sometimes, to do so while leading animals, or following hounds, or carrying a load. The Parisian woman's gait was meant, in the courts of Louis XIV and his progeny, thanks to his shoemaker Nicholas Lestage to swing large skirts in interesting ways, and was helped by such innovations as the high heel. In Louis XV's court, women were already resorting to taping their feet to emulate the diminutive Madame de Pompadour, even to the point that ladies in waiting sometimes fainted, from pain, on rising to their feet.---Read More: image:
…“I respect you your honour, but I think you were too harsh on me,” he said as he was led from the court. He then turned to the Crown lawyers, saying, “You’re a couple of peasants with an education.” Read More: