by Jesse Marinoff Reyes ( Jesse Marinoff Reyes Design, Maplewood, N.J.)
June 1975 issue, #104
Illustration: Joe Simon (1913-2011)
Yes, THE Joe Simon of Simon & Kirby-fame (co-creator of Captain America and one of the giants of the history of comics). And yes, The Champ lost a few in his day. Who knew?
Sports Illustrated
December 23, 1974 issue
Photograph: Neil Leifer (b. 1942)
Art Director: Richard Gangel (1918-2002)
Sports Illustrated
March 15, 1971 issue
Photograph: Tony Triolo (1930-2006)
Art Director: Richard Gangel (1918-2002)
Suffering his first defeat, vs. the late Smokin’ Joe Frazier (1944-2011).