Hard to believe. The photo is a meme. However, if law enforcement agencies have budgets, they have to spend them .Its the use it or lose it syndrome and hitting the fear button, raising levels of anxiety is tailor made in the post 9/11 world. There are legitimate security concerns, but its exploitation is a festering reminder that the ghosts of Oswald Mosley, a kind of comic opera couched in the cautious and sensible made appealing by catchy phrasing is still lurking. The new version of fear mongering twists Charles Baudelaire’s expression of “humiliating mingling- traffic- with other human beings- to refer to the other where in Blackshirt Mosley backed by intellos like Ezra Pound and Wyndham Lewis it meant Jews, Socialists etc. now it means the legions of disenfranchised who fit the rioter profile.

A meme off the orginal advertisement found here:http://www.surrey.police.uk/media/news_item.asp?area=1&itemID=11072
From the original press release: The latest counter-terrorism publicity campaign, using print, radio, outdoor and transport advertising, aims to make people aware of how they as individuals can make a difference. They should not rely on others. They should store the Anti-Terrorist Hotline number 0800 789 321 in their phone and be ready to use it….
Terrorists might not come from Surrey but they may visit, stay, store or assemble terrorist weapons here. People living and working in Surrey’s communities are the best placed to recognise activity or behaviour which strikes them as not quite right and out of place in normal day to day living….
…Examples include anyone who for no obvious reason:
• Starts behaving differently or unusually
• Has many mobile phones
• Has passports or other documents in different names
• Travels but is vague about w
and may disappear for long periods• Buys or stores large amounts of chemicals
• Takes an interest in security measures such as CCTV
…“Terrorists live within our neighbourhoods, making their plans whilst doing everything they can to blend in, and trying not to raise suspicions about their activities. I ask people to think about unusual behaviour they have witnessed, or things they have seen which seem to have no logical or obvious explanation.
“Any suspicion should be reported immediately and every call will be welcomed by the counter-terrorist officers. It doesn’t matter how small or insignificant the information may seem to you – it may be the final piece of the jigsaw for the police.
…Safer Neighbourhood Teams across Surrey will be helping to spread the message by ensuring key people within their neighbourhoods are made aware of what to look out for and reminded that if they suspect it, they must report it. They will also be distributing posters to appropriate venues, and promotional material at community events throughout the year. Read More:http://www.surrey.police.uk/media/news_item.asp?area=1&itemID=11072