holy land travel guide

trail of the grail. They didn’t find the holy grail but apparently stumbled upon a unicorn on Mount Sinai. …Arrayed beside the more prosaic goats and camel in this fifteenth-century woodcut are such zoological marvels as a long-horned giraffe, a unicorn, a star-spangled salamander, and a near relative of the Abominable Snowman. Although the artist hedges a bit on the latter- the latin caption reads “there is no agreement about the name”- he flatly asserts that the animals are honestly depicted.

---A unicorn sighting was reported in an illustrated study printed in Germany in 1486, by Bernhard von Breydenbach, a deacon in Mainz Cathedral, who verbally and graphically detailed, with the help of the Dutch artist Erhard Reuwich, the sights and inhabitants encountered by a congregation of pilgrims on a trip to the Middle East. Breydenbach faithfully compiled his 148 page exposition entitled Peregrinatio in Terram Sanctam, better rendered: "Travel to the Holy Land," after he had led his flock in 1483 on a lengthy excursion from Venice to Jaffa , on to Ramala by caravan, and finally into Jerusalem for an extended visit to all the holy sites. They also ventured west into the forbidding Sinai Desert to the Monastery of Santa Catharina, and a member of that pilgrimage, Felix Fabri, "saw, on September 20, 1483, with his own eyes, as did all the members of his company, a unicorn standing on a hill near Mt. Sinai, and he observed it carefully for a long time." ---Read More:http://einhornpress.com/unicorn.aspx

…Animals, with their names inscribed as follows: Seraffa, Cocodrillus, Capre de India, Vnicornus, Camelus, Salemandra, and a great ape, of which the name was unknown,  together with the statement that these animals were truly depicted as they were actually seen in the Holy Land. This can be believed in regard to the figures of the Giraffe (‘) and Dromedary, which are admirably drawn (and probably the earliest printed), but the Unicorn is of theusually accepted shape and the Crocodile, though very near, is not quite as one knows him now-a-days….Read More:http://archive.org/stream/bernhardvonbreyd00davi/bernhardvonbreyd00davi_djvu.txt

The woodcuts are illustrations from Breydenbach’s Travels in the Holy Land, published in Mainz in 1486.

---Read More:http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/fr/6histoire/par_pays/palestine.htm


---The burqa (a definition) is worn unchanged since 1486, as can be seen in this graphic by Mr. ERHARD REUWICH of Utrecht, who happens to be the first really known illustrator. The scetch appeared in Mr. BERNHARD von BREYDENBACH’s book ‘Peregrinatio in Terram Sanctam’, which is a travelogue to the holy land(s).--- Read More:http://politicalstyle.tumblr.com/post/541256887/burqa

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