David Manet’s Anne Frank is another version about present engagement seeking to encounter the past. The point is still a bitterness of history and to tug and cajole the forgotten into the present in a struggle against selective memory and a revisionism conducive to embalming the past- like the Anne Frank wax figure in Tussaud Berlin, the body becomes exposed in its coffin to the public almost eternally so the curious can file by to pay respects- against Mamet’s own inability to divorce history from his poetic intentions.

---Wilhelmina Park, Aruba (Netherlands Antilles). Dedicated on Anne Frank's birthday. "Created in the Netherlands by Dutch bronze artist Joep Coppens, who used the same process to create the bronze statue as was used in ancient times. Once finished, the statue was packed up and transported on a KLM Cargo plane to Aruba, where the statue will be unveiled in its new home in the Wilhelmina Park." --- Read More:http://peace.maripo.com/m_anne_frank.htm
In the end, left with Mamet at the mercy of his own ego, unable to contend with Frank as really being separate from himself, perhaps waving a final farewell as she left the station at Wetorbok on her way to Bergen Belsen, somehow satisfying if only fleetingly a universal need to mourn at this departure point with her as a symbol that encapsulates overwhelming, unmeasurable trauma seeking to separate light from dark and avoid sinking into a gray melancholy.
…In the introduction to his essay collection “The Wicked Son: Anti-Semitism, Self-Hatred and the Jews,” David Mamet offered the book, in part, to readers “whose favorite Jew is Anne Frank and whose second-favorite does not exist.” We presume he won’t be quite as provocative with his next project, a new film version of “The Diary of Anne Frank,” which Mr. Mamet is writing and directing for Disney.
Variety reported that Mr. Mamet’s script would combine the original diary, written by Anne Frank while she and her family hid from Nazis in Amsterdam, with the stage play written by Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich and new material from Mr. Mamet. Read More:http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/08/12/mamet-to-write-and-direct-anne-frank-film/
…Still, Mamet’s version of “Anne Frank” isn’t a straight adaptation of the Holocaust victim’s memoirs, focusing instead on “a contemporary Jewish girl who goes to Israel and learns about the traumas of suicide bombing.”
“It’s very intense, and dark and scary,” Waxman’s source described. “It’s not a film version of ‘The Diary of Anne Frank.’ The story evolved into something more intense.” Read More:http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2009/09/25/david-mamets-the-diary-of-anne-frank-rejected-by-the-walt-disney-company/