Demographic time bomb? An ideology of religion or religious ideology? There are no answers and the data is mixed, a muddy glass that is difficult to discern what is actually inside. A common view is that secular liberal democratic values will be unable to absorb Islamic populations and will be overrun by a higher, mean that rabid birthrate, a collective spawning of population that will amount to a quiet insurrection in the West. To speak otherwise is to dust off the skeleton of Nuremberg laws and the rights of reproduction. The echoes of eugenics speaking of a limiting of family size, as opposed to the view of Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and Mark Steyn who assert that Islamists have staked a quiet revolution on the basis of fecundity. A war of the womb. That is very debatable. The impetus to permit immigration was based on the need for immigrants to help finance the massive scale of government, the social welfare state, increased consumption and taxes needed to maintain services. It was a less than savory ideal from the get-go; and truth is, if corporations were to start investing their cash hordes it would create more technological unemployment making social tensions even worse. And socially, the Muslims, which is a misnomer given the startling diversity and traditions of internecine conflict bordering the calamatious and tragic, are near generic replacements for another semitic can-kicker. The jews.
When you think about it, a couple weeks ago three astronauts took off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan en route to the International Space Station: American Sunita Williams, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Akihiko Hoshide. Whether this is financial boondoggle that will have no impact on the well being of earthlings is not important. What is significant is that not long ago, these three countries were enemies with the Cold War still in memory. But today, there is cooperation on an international mission and no one takes any notice of the import. It is no longer news. There has been a quantum leap where we have been accustomed to peace very quickly and cooperation is no longer shocking, but the norm. The Medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides wrote of an age where, “there will be no jealousy nor competition”, …Therefore “good will be bestowed in abundance, delicacies as plenty as dust, and the whole world will be preoccupied with the knowledge of G-d alone.” It is easy to grumble in our society of dissent, but it is doubtful many want to turn back the clock too far.What would a Hitchens or Harris say if there was actually a complete and true redemption?
Doug Saunders:Core to the “Muslim tide” ideology is the belief that the jihadist terror attacks of the past decade are the result of the immigration of Muslims to the countries of Europe and North America. It has become popular to believe that violent jihad is simply an extension – – or perhaps the essence – – of ordinary Islamic belief. “It’s not merely that there’s a global jihad lurking within this religion,” the popular “Muslim tide” author Mark Steyn wrote in a typical passage, “but that the religion itself is a political project – – and in fact an imperial project.”…
…Is Islamic extremism simply a more explicit extension of ordinary Islamic belief? Is it cheered, even if not actively supported, by Muslims throughout the West?…Extremism tends be the preserve or fairly wealthy, educated Muslims who are isolated from other Muslims in relatively well-off neighborhoods. It’s not the “Muslim tide” that is creating extremism, but rather the political beliefs of a few middle-class loners.
Indeed, a large-scale new study conducted by a group of U.S. researchers who examined the Koran passages quoted by 2,000 Islamic terrorists and supporters found no suggestion that any of them want to convert the West to Islam – – rather, their messages are of a nationalistic nature, based on preserving the separation of Islamic and non-Islamic worlds. …
…Yet this is the most misleading myth of them all. Muslim family sizes and population growth rates are falling faster than among any other population in the world. Even in the most religious Islamic countries, family sizes are fast falling below the population-growth rate of 2.1 children per family. In Iran, where the average number had 7 children in the 1980s, it has fallen to 1.7 – – lower than in France. In Turkey, it is 2.1 children; in Lebanon, 1.9; in Tunisia, 2.0; in Indonesia, 2.19 and falling fast. Bosnian Muslims, at the heart of so many of the “Eurabia” theories of population takeover, have 1.23 children per family – – the very lowest rate in Europe….