political science

The basics behind anti-Zionism and the despotic regimes, puppet enterprises around and affiliated with it can be traced back to a visceral antipathy towards colonialism in general. Colonialism as a demonic entity and deeply embedded within the fabric of the social consciousness of dissent, or rather much of what can be called he dissent industry, a sort of rebel authenticity related to genuine protest but not quite of the same quality grade so to speak. Kind of superficial knee jerk reactions that follow a certain logic loop but get sidetracked within the larger cycle of individualism and the consumer society. To side with the natives in Avatar or the Palestinians etc. but only for purposes of vampiring some of the vital forces as part of a voyage of personal experience. The white person as savior. The nuances tend to get lost in the wash,and an aesthetic of populism replaces it confronting with the same tactics the populism it seeks to confront….

—Ruppin was one of the most senior Zionist officials responsible for immigration to Palestine in the early part of the 20th century. He developed a reputation for only selecting “fit” types by the kinds of criteria described above. He was explicit about adapting the German colonisation project for Posen and Eastern Prussia as his model. The “socialist” kibbutz commune type of settlement grew out of this, constructed on sites excluding Palestinian Arabs and only very rarely including Jews from Arab countries.—Read More:http://www.isj.org.uk/index.php4?id=490&issue=120 image:http://www.critikat.com/Portier-de-nuit.html

Zionism and colonialism in general, and most of the protest against it, seems to be part of the dissent industry itself, vulgar entertainment that gets bullshittized by the entertainment industry into something diluted and drained of essential critical content. Like Otto Dix’s Germany being represented through vehicles like the movie Cabaret. Even pundits like Greenwald are not above playing the stock hand of cards, albeit a bit more articulate; at base they probably like the system, they just want a kinder, more gentler version of it. They are well aware that millions of people have created fragile personal identities, friends and social circles based on simplified positions of cliche ridden dogma they consume like the media and goods and services tailored for this “market”. Dissent is a commodity and we should get used to it.

(see link at end)….One prominent strain shaping American reaction to the protests in the Muslim world is bafflement, and even anger, that those Muslims are not more grateful to the US. After all, goes this thinking, the US bestowed them with the gifts of freedom and democracy – the very rights they are now exercising – so how could they possibly be anything other than thankful? Under this worldview, it is especially confounding that the US, their savior and freedom-provider, would be the target of their rage….

—- In Geneva, Mr. Pinheiro said the escalating conflict was marked by an increasing presence of “foreign elements,” including jihadist militants. Some of them joined antigovernment forces and some operated independently, he said, observing that “such elements tend to push antigovernment fighters toward more radical positions.”
Little is known about the origins or character of those groups, Mr. Pinheiro told reporters, but the panel referred to them in its report to draw international attention to what he described as “one of the most alarming and scariest aspects” of the conflict. “They have their own agenda, they are sort of loose cannons,” he said.
The militants appeared to be involved in attacks and explosions similar to the activities of militants in neighboring countries, Mr. Pinheiro added.—Read More:http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/18/world/middleeast/syria.html image:http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/books/story/2010/06/01/rushdie-wiesel-toronto.html

On Wednesday, USA Today published an article with the headline “After attacks in Egypt and Libya, USA Today asks: Why?” The paper appeared to tell its readers that it was the US that freed the Egyptian people from tyranny:

“Attacks in Libya that left four US diplomats dead – including Ambassador Christopher Stevens – and a mob invasion of the US Embassy in Cairo, in which the US flag was torn to shreds, have left many to wonder: How can people the USA helped free from murderous dictators treat it in such a way?”…

—For example, who can shed light on the collective inability to explain certain prices, such as the cost of refreshments at the Beirut International Airport coffee shop? Who can explain why a cappuccino, served in a paper cup in a self-service cafe, without the need to employ a waiter, costs 7,500 LL ($5)?
No one will give us the answer in a country that has its own unique free market rules, based on giving absolute monopoly to those who control the country, thereby limiting competition to those powerful people and the leading politicians who support them.—Read More:http://english.al-akhbar.com/content/freedom-and-class

Did you know that the “USA helped free” Egyptians from their murderous dictator? On Thursday night, NBC News published a nine-minute report on Brian Williams’ “Rock Center” program featuring its foreign correspondent, Richard Engel, reporting on the demonstrations in Cairo, which sounded exactly the same theme. Standing in front of protesting Egyptians in Tahrir Square, Engel informed viewers that this was all so very baffling because it was taking place “in Cairo, where the US turned its back on its old friend Hosni Mubarak”, and then added:

“It is somewhat ironic with American diplomats inside the embassy who helped to give these demonstrators, these protesters, a voice, and allowed them to actually carry out these anti-American clashes that we’re seeing right now.”

—the company running the cafe does not practice social Apartheid.
It is a civilized company, aware of its social responsibility and careful to play its part in protecting the environment. It is also concerned enough to educate its customers by printing valuable information on caring for the environment and the company’s green credentials such as lowering emissions from greenhouse gases, sustainable forest management, recycling and reusing resources.
The company boasts about its revolutionary stance and calls itself an “environmental warrior” – in English, since anyone who can afford to pay ten times its worth for a small bottle of water has to be fluent in English. —Read More:http://english.al-

ar.com/content/freedom-and-class image:http://www.marx-brothers.org/marxology/desert.htm

That it was the US who freed Egyptians and “allowed them” the right to protest would undoubtedly come as a great surprise to many Egyptians. Read More:http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/sep/14/egypt-nbc?CMP=twt_gu

No doubt, the early Zionists, Herzl et al. viewed admission into the West through a viable Western colonial adventure into the Middle East. It was not a new tack, a new direction, a homecoming, but rather a seat on the bus through the techniques of the master. And this brought on some nasty strains: total alienation from Jewish culture, a parallel bourgeois society that was based on the essential values of the same society’s that were rejecting jews which included the same shotgun approach to racism, Veblen’s pecking order hierarchy with Arabs and Arab jews on the bottom, Eastern European jews in the middling ranks, and Western Europeans in the top shelf. There is an element here of self hatred that begins with the notion of what is to them an almost alturistic desire to “normalize” something. The jump from Zionism to Heidegger was not a challenging one.


(see link at end)…After nearly one hundred thousand deaths since January 2011 when the uprisings started, and after decades of brutal repression that were steadfastly supported and partly funded by Western powers (namely the United States), we wonder about the value of breaking from such shackles, as though it was a bad investment in Facebook stock. “Maybe we should keep supporting these lovely dictatorships.”

…But this is just academic to many. What is significant here is “who” can actually produce these thoughts, and actually be able to do something about it. The arrogance of power from which such thoughts and words can be uttered is really the main event. Casually, the ability to dismiss history, culpability, and rationality in favor of an emotionally immature, intellectually narrow, historically amnesiac, and morally myopic compass can only come from a place of brute power. And only from such a place, can the claim be made aptly, as though that particular power initiated the Arab uprisings (when in reality, the Arab uprisings proceeded against US clients, despite US power, with the exception of Syria, which proves the rule).

…The corollary of the previous point dawned on me when I realized that just in the waiting area hundreds of passengers were looking (or could have glanced) at the screen — and would have legitimately entertained the statement’s flippancy. If CNN and other mainstream media are good at one thing, they are good at understanding their audience and market demand.

…The voyeuristic perspective ought not be missed either. The Arab “Spring” (a misnomer to begin with for reasons that require their own list) is like a spectacle. But not any spectacle. It is a spectacle in which “we” the democrats and “developed” world watch the “others” trying to catch up, despite so many efforts to support their oppressors. Until last week, the voyeurism was sympathetic, even if patrimonial or patronizing. But after the recent events, the voyeurism and subsequent reactions to the violence that killed a US ambassador in Libya turned into something else. It recast the entire spectacle in terms and imagery reminiscent of what we are used to observing in the center’s gaze towards the periphery: a sense of amazement and intrigue that can under certain circumstances quickly turn into something associated with zoology.Read More:http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/7365/was-the-arab-spring-really-worth-it_the-fascinatin

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