Supposedly, beliefs do have consequences. And its a long standing argument where a vindication of evolution over revelation is warranted, justified, or an outright falsehood, junk science foisted on the public. Depsite the seeming evidence of random, mutual and natural selection, there is an almost equal split in American attitudes that cuts across cultural backgrounds….
…Evolution is an effort to explain life on earth in essentially, materialistic terms. Things happen and arise out of chance and necessity, defying Einstein’s dictum that “god doesn’t play dice with the cosmos.” The Torah and the Bible and the Koran, teach a singular, intentional and intelligent force is at the essence of all things despite the appearance of what is construed as accident and chance. Taking the pile of mud metaphor, evolution asserts that that hunk, through dint of chance and natural selection, Dylan’s “every grain of sand,” will become an individual capable of designing smart phones and space travel. Genesis says that intelligence arises from a greater intelligence. And the two views are not compatible. Traditionally, movements like Zionism were not compatible with Biblical creationism even though Evangelical Christians are generally “zionistic” within a messianic framework. Go figger.At a basic level, with due respect to Hitchens, Harris, Dawkins, and other advocates of the Dour, evolution can be convincing that the background of the universe is dumb matter, while intelligence is an accident. Genesis situates intelligence at the inner center of the universe, while asserting that dumb matter is an illusion, or a decoy to divert from a deeper truth.
(see link at end)…Planet Earth is “about 9,000 years old,” and the study of evolution, embryology, and the Big Bang Theory is based on “lies straight from the pit of hell,” according to a Congressman responsible for crafting US government policy on science and technology.
Paul Broun, a fundamentalist Christian who occupies a safe Republican seat in Georgia, found his grasp of modern science being subjected to unwelcome scrutiny yesterday, after video of him espousing Creationism during an after-dinner speech was uploaded to YouTube.
“God’s word is true. I’ve come to understand that. All that stuff I was taught about evolution, embryology, Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell,” he told guests at a fieldsports-themed fundraiser for a local Baptist Church….
“It’s lies to try to keep me and all the folks who are taught that from understanding that they need a saviour. There’s a lot of scientific data that I found out as a scientist that actually show that this is really a young Earth. I believe that the Earth is about 9,000 years old. I believe that it was created in six days as we know them. That’s what the Bible says.”
Broun, who sits on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, and occupies a seat in Congress so staunchly Republican that local Democrats are not even bothering to oppose him, added that a literalist interpretation of the Old Testament informs how he governs. Read More:
s/world/americas/republican-congressman-says-evolution-is-lie-from-hell-8202896.htmlPeople like Broun, or more articulate advocates usually advocate a view that their antagonists error springs from a belief that evolution is scientifically proven, rock solid, and air tight. They argue this is not the case; though Darwin’s theories and that of the more contemporary followers may have proven a useful guide for select studies, they cannot withstand the vigor and theological wringer to be accepted as proven; a claim to acceptance based on the human mind’s inherent fear of saying they simply don’t understand. That is, the concept that the diversity of life came about through random mutation and natural selection is not grounded on empirical fact or a scientific theory(s) , but instead a reasoned conjecture founded on inferential methods , reverse extrapolation through “unknown unknowns” over and beyond unknown conditions.
Given Darwin’s own criteria in Origin of Species, would he have rejected evolution based on our present knowledge of the fossil record. Creationists say even the most up to date formulations of Darwinian evolution have been shown to unreliable, not viable or workable, based on “unchallenged statistical models of molecular genetics,” in addition to the “irreducible biochemical complexity of all physiological processes.” which does not confirm the Creationist view but rather places Darwin’s theory, ironically, and paradoxically into the realm of leap of faith radicalism of unsubstantiated substantiations….