Nowhere were the changes from barbarism to sophistication so clearly mirrored as in the houses, the furniture, the clothes, the style of life of the rich. By 1750 the Western world had captured a vast commerce unequaled in history and this manifested itself in the noble houses of eighteenth-century England…
Land equaled power: that simple equation was quickly grasped and men set about deliberately extending their acres. They looked for heiresses of wide lands; they stopped providing estates for their younger sons, turning them out into the professions ( law, Church, army,navy, or, if need be, commerce); they devised strict legal settlements so that the heir to great territories became merely the tenant for life- for they hoped by these strict entails that their agglomerations of wealth and power might be protected from the dissolute, the incompetent, the mad.
Naturally, the well-endowed succeeded at the expense of the lesser gentry. They had the resources or the credit to buy up what became available; they could make better bids for heiresses; they could afford more specialized advice, legal or practical, take risks and win profits from more experimental farming or indulge their fancy in more industrial enterprises. Coral-like, their wealth grew. Sometimes the disasters of life- lack of heirs, civil war, insanity not in one but several generations- pulled a great family down, but when it did it usually enriched the few that remained, or scattered opportunities to the lesser gentry. Furthermore, the greater the family and the wider its local social and political power, the more certain it could be of playing an important and lucrative part in national life; and from this came titles, honors, sinecures, pensions, the great offices of Church or State.