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Tag Archives: Anthony Quinn
all purpose spiritual materialism
Spiritual themes have often been the occasion for the goriest and most violent scenes in movies. It seems that intrinsically good subjects like liberty, chivalry and honor seem to be the best pretexts for really pouring it on. Think of … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Anthny Quinn, Anthony Quinn, Christopher Fry, Dino de Laurentiis, Harold Bloom, Jack Palance, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Mel Gibson, Par Lagerkvist, Richard Fleischer, Silvano Mangano, the help movie, viola davis the help, vittorio gassman
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side show inuit: looking for nelvana
When things start off on the wrong foot, its tough to reconcile and make amends… Primitive people and prehistoric violence do seem to have a symbiotic relationship. Untouched by the dogged moral strivings, the clear demarcation between right and wrong, … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged adrian dingle, Anthony Quinn, bob dylan the mighty quinn, christopher hall baffin island, franz boas, franz johnston group of seven, inuit legend nelvana, Jared Diamond, Lawrence H. Keeley, life of nelvana, Lucien m. turner, martin frobisher, Nicholas Wade, Norman Rockwell, steven a. leblanc, the savage innocents 1959
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on thin ice with the mighty quinn
We pine for authenticity. The real . The genuine, wanting to graft ourselves onto it as part of an expression of our individuality. Or do we? It has to conform to our idea of it. Rousseau’s Noble Savage has to … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Andrew Potter, Anthony Quinn, Antonin Artaud, battle of sitka, Bob Dylan, franz boas, hans ruesch, james ross and awack, James ross inuit, Jared Diamond, Jean Jacques Rousseau, louis s. glanzman, Lucien m. turner, manfred mann the mighty quinn, Nicholas Wade, steven a. leblanc, suzuki sled commercial, the savage innocents 1959
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eskimo pie in the sky
Cheerful and adorable or primitive and lacking hygiene and “morals”. Such is the defined public persona of the Inuit or more derogatively, the Eskimo. Like pets. Cuddly. Except when they pee on the floor. Guilt at the extermination of tribal … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Anthony Quinn, bagel advertising, cantor's bagel advertising, eskimo nell, Inuit Art, Inuit culture, Jared Diamond, max gillies actor, Nicholas Wade, richard franklin director, Robert Flaherty, Sam Huntington, serge lazaroff, the residents eskimo, the true story of eskimo nell
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reel to reel with neo-real
By far the most impressive foreign pictures of the immediate post WWII period, that of delapidation and regenesis were those made by Italian neo-realists who, refusing to dodge the issues by intoxicating themselves with pretty pipe dreams and resonant extravaganzas, … Continue reading