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Tag Archives: Caroline Glick Jerusalem Post
thank you for being a friend
…Meddling in Israel’s affairs. Why shouldn’t they meddle? Precisely the situation in Israel today; every inch of territory is like a city on the border; it is vital for her security. Giving it away to the Arabs exposes all her … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged B'Tselem, Benjamin Zygier, Caroline Glick, Caroline Glick Jerusalem Post, Igal Hecht, Igal Hecht Not in my Name documentary, Jessica Montell, Jewish Home Party, Keshev media watchdog group, Madame Pickwick, Muli Segev, Naftali Bennett, NGO Monitor, Niva Lanir Haaretz, Obama visit to Israel 2013
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jonathan pollard: if the shoe fits sell it
Certainly one of the most complex cases is Jonathan Pollard. The crime was serious and the additional twist of using the information to bribe Soviet officials to let Russian Jews emigrate to Israel is insult to injury. Then there is … Continue reading
camp david: spurning divine gifts…
Camp David Peace Accords. Almost all concessions were unnecessary. Begin could have walked away with a treaty without making any substantial concessions. Is this mere conjecture? Not at all, because on one of the most sensitive points of the negotiations, … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Anwar Sadat, Camp David Peace Accords, Caroline Glick Jerusalem Post, Daniel Gordis Jerusalem Post, H.G. Wells, Jerusalem final status negotiations, Jimmy Carter, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, mahmoud abbas, Mahmoud al-Zahar, Menachem Begin
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tears and fears: RIP (through) holy land
Attack Jerusalem? Launching rockets on the eternal city? Imagine the irony if a Hamas rocket hits the Dome of the Rock? Recoil time to play in the rubble. Something here about Walter Benjamin’s idea of children playing in trash and … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Andy Warhol, anselm kiefer, bernard lewis, Caroline Glick Jerusalem Post, David Rubinger, Gershon Baskin, Golda Meir, Heinrich Bunting, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Max Horkheimer, thomas friedman new york times, tom wesselmann, Walter Benjamin
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barry obama: scout’s honor amendment
Its a dogging issue that Obama can’t seem to shake. Appeasement. Its not appeasement in the grand, historical scale of a Neville Chamberlain where he is giving a cart-blanche to destroy the West by leaps and bounds, but rather a … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Ahmad Fouad Ashoush, Caroline Glick Jerusalem Post, Chris Stevens US Embassy Tripoli, Henri Bernard-Levy, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Mamdouh Ismail, Michael Lewis Obama's Way, Mohamad Morsi, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula arrest, Rene Magritte, Samuel Jackson Obama video, Samuel L. Jackson Obama 2012, Susan Rice U.N.
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