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Tag Archives: Chernyshevsky What Is To Be Done
lenin: vices of spontaneity and softness
…Lenin came to exercise enormous control over his emotions. He spurned all signs of softness and spontaneity. Even his marriage was a “revolutionary” one to a fellow conspirator… The second incident illustrating Lenin’s denial of libidinal feelings involves his reaction … Continue reading
revolution: lenin and libidinal ties
…Two incidents dramatically illustrate Lenin’s efforts to free himself from libidinal ties. The first occurred around 1900 and involved Plekhanov, Lenin’s revered mentor in Marxism. In a power struggle over Iskra, the periodical inspired by Lenin, the younger man came … Continue reading
revolution: all work and no play for lenin
…Lenin came to exercise enormous control over his emotions. He spurned all kinds of softness and spontaneity. Even his marriage was a “revolutionary” one to a fellow conspirator… Any pleasure that stood in the way of work must be given … Continue reading
revolution blues: learning to hate liberals
…Almost always, the revolutionary who loves Humanity cannot abide its visible representatives. It is as if they loved Humanity because they hate human beings… Obviously, no single individual will perfectly epitomize the new man, the ascetic revolutionary. Nor will all … Continue reading
revolution: what is to be done?
…Not only friends, of course, but also family must be rejected by the ascetic revolutionary. Existing family relations, and the ties binding an individual to them, must be ruthlessly broken. As Hegel pointed out, it was an early revolutionary, Christ, … Continue reading