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Tag Archives: Christopher Hitchens Israel
those young turks
There is a branch of research under the name of Bible studies that varies from interpretation of the Scriptures to complete analysis through sophisticated software of Bible codes found in the Torah.They say all answers are there. If you can … Continue reading →
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Armenian Genocide, Barry Chamish, Baruchya Russo, Christopher Hitchens, Christopher Hitchens Israel, Edwin Black, eichmann trial, Emmanuel Carrusso, Eyal Silva, Franz Werfel, frederick goodall, Gavrilo Princep, Klaus Wiegrefe, Michael Drosnin, Moshe Sharret, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk, Refik Bey, Rolf Vogel, Steven Plaut, Sultan Mehmed VI, The Donmeh
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