Tag Archives: dale travous
by Art Chantry ( art@artchantry.com ) who’s the hottest new diva on the scene? who swivels her hips and bats her lashes at the boyz? then coos into the mike and vamps the crowd into submission while her trusty combo … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged art chantry, bumbershoot fair, chucky cheeze robot, clair colquitt, colquitt contraption, dale travous, howdy doody, larry reid, misty & the pinboys, performance art, radioactive sculpture, survival research laboratories
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undisputed genius
by Art Chantry (art@artchantry.com) THE first time i encountered dale travous’s art (pronounced like ‘travis’), it was what he jokingly called “catabotics”. seems his father was a hobby taxidermist. when his efforts failed, he would mail them to dale, who … Continue reading