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Tag Archives: David Weigel
the ceiling is leaking
There used to be an old joke in Europe that America had Bob Hope, Percy Faith and Johnny Cash, and Country X had no faith, no hope and no cash. Well things have changed a bit… This sorry media-hyped drama … Continue reading
Posted in Madame Pickwick Weekend
Tagged Abbott and Costello, Ben Bernanke, David Weigel, eric cantor, Federal Reserve bank, federal reserve board, gary north, john boehner, John Maynard Keynes, Lydia Lopokova, Michael Ferguson, Michael Ferguson Polymathica, michele bachmann, Ron Paul, serangeli, U.S. debt ceiling, William Roberts, william roberts painter
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THE WEIMAR “LAST TRANCE” CABARET: Escaping to Feed Your Head
For Walter Benjamin, this was the real significance of the First World War, “an attempt at a new and unprecedented commingling with the cosmic powers.” He worried that mankind’s alienation from itself was deepening “to such a degree that it … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft, Music/Composition/Performance
Tagged Bertholt Brecht, Bertolt Brecht, Carl Mayer, David Weigel, Dr. Robert Blackburn, Friedrich Nietzsche, George Grosz, Glenn Beck, Hans Janowitz, Herman Hesse, John Wonder, Kurt Weill, Lovis Corinth, Marianne Faithfull, Max Beckmann, Mike Huckabee, Otto Dix, Peter Rex Valentine, Robert Whealy, Robert Wiene, Sen. Jim DeMint, Steven Ozmet, Walter Benjamin, Weimar Republic
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