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Tag Archives: E. Howard Hunt
the secret agent: few scruples
…It was Munich that told all Western democrats that espionage was no longer a game. They had previously viewed Hitler’s new Germany as representing a conventional but not-to-be-exaggerated military threat to democracy. Munich declared it a monstrous, worldwide enterprise of … Continue reading
The secret agent: romantic incarnations
In fact and in fiction, the spy is the indispensable person of our time. Yet their activity poses a deadly threat to the open society… …The OSS and the early CIA inherited some of MI6′s snob appeal. Though tarnished by … Continue reading
the secret agent: mostly men in grey
The cult of the secret agent. In fact as in fiction, the spy is the indispensable person of our time. Spies go back to Biblical times, yet today, or more precisely particularly since the Enlightenment their sphere of activity poses … Continue reading
secrets agents: 17 moments of springing to the east
And the Soviets saw a bourgeois culture…To Americans, the most dramatic illustration of what might be called the Peter Ward Syndrome- the tendency to base one’s world outlook and moral attitudes upon those of the imaginary secret agent- was furnished … Continue reading
secret agent cult: lawless in the struggle
…In fact as in fiction, the spy is the indispensable person of our time. Yet their activity poses a deadly threat to the open society… …In all secret service literature, fiction and nonfiction alike, there is an ambiguous and extremely … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Alfred Hitchcock, Charles Bennett screenwriter, Compton Mackenzie, E. Howard Hunt, Graham Greene, John Buchan, John Gielgud, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Madeleine Carroll, Peter Lorre, Somerset Maugham
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the secret agent: weakness for lobster
The cult of the secret agent. In fact as in fiction the spy, the operative is the indispensable person of our time. The Cold War is on ice, but the new concerns with Islamic fundamentalism exposes the same dynamic of … Continue reading
spies among us
…Surely the hardest won achievement in history has been a decent system of government. The republic is an ancient invention, but in the long run republics have had a high mortality rate. Our own republic may have been exposed to … Continue reading