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Tag Archives: Edward Sorel
name game
What’s in a name? As it relates to persons, the question can evoke some perfectly straight answers such as Baker or Taylor, or remote paternity of,say, a Jackson or a Fitzgerald. Or it may signify color ( White, Brown or … Continue reading
guide to the perplexed: how to lose a war
Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. What next? How much the academic think-merchants should share in the responsibility for these messy predicaments is not really quantifiable. But judging from what he read and see, the American government would have found a better guide … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Al Nusra Front, ambassador James Jeffrey, Andrew Tabler, Cardinal Spellman, Clausewitz, Damien Cave, David Crist The Twilight War, Edward Sorel, J.J. Graham Clausewitz, kirsten cale, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Michael Eisenstadt, Moises Saman, Otto Dix, Syria Crisis Bashar Assad, Syria War, The Washington institute
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How not to win a war
How not to win a war? A good beginning would be to ignore Karl Maria von Clauswitz- as we have apparently have been doing for the past seven decades…. Since 1945, under the stimulus of the Cold War, an immense … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Battle of the Wavre, Carl von Clausewitz, Chris Hondros, Convention of Tauroggen 1812, Edward Sorel, Hamas MP Ahmad Bahr, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Joseph E. Stiglitz, kirsten cale, Linda J. Bilmes, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, restrepo film, Scharnhorst Prussian Army, Sebastian Junger, tim hetherington
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americana as cultural habitat
Much in the vein of Thomas Rowlandson, James Gillray and even the art of Jack Levine, its modern protest satire that helped define the left of center cultural aesthetic. The left cultural industry machine that by nature is part of … Continue reading