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Tag Archives: foxconn factory problems
think different: aren’t i wonderful?
His “reality distorted field.” A ruthless, obsessive, perfectionist nature. A productive narcissist bordering on the psychopathic? All the hallmarks of the admired American business leader. The good, the bad and the ugly. The closed ecosystem which will likely permit Android … Continue reading
50 ways to leave your job
Is the cup half full or half empty? Does evaporation count? Is deflation inevitable? Even helicopter Ben may be running out of tools and ammo and if the property bubble bursts in China which is likely or their commodities takes … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media
Tagged Ben Bernanke, carson block muddy waters, foxconn factory problems, georgia labor prints, greg mankiw, Joseph Stiglitz, ken rogoff, larry summers, lester thurow, louis vuitton advertising, malcolm moore, martin feldstein, Michael Ferguson, Paul Krugman, Paul Samuelson, stephanie clifford, stephanie clifford new york times
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