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Tag Archives: French Situationist
finding beauty in the abysmal
…the classic flower in the dustbin… by Art Chantry ( THIS is the first punk poster i ever saw. i was attending western washington state college (now, ‘university’) in bellingham, washington. it was 1978 and i was a student trying … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged american trash culture, Dada, frank edie, franko posters, French Situationist, fruitland famine band, jamie reid situationist, Jamie Reid The Sex Pistols, jello biafra, modernism, penelope houston, punk rock movement, Sex Pistols, supergraphics, Surrealism, Ted Bundy, The Dead Kennedys, The Rocket, the rocket newspaper, western washington state college
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detournement part 1: chaos of the “situation”
A beginning of a three part series on as aspect of design history that’s completely ignored.It was the beginning of the end as we know it… Art Chantry ( part 1: Detournement (the beginning of the end) The French practice … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Charles de Gaulle, chris marker, daniel cohn-bendit, dominique de villepin, French Situationist, Guy Debord, helmut sturm, Jamie Reid, Jamie Reid The Sex Pistols, Malcolm McLaren, may 1968 paris, michele bernstein, Murray Bookchin
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pataphysics of dead people: recycling the vendors
Advertising does really define our world. In the Western culture of entertainment, advertising assumes the role of both structure and content.We can fake our rage against the machine, but are constantly putting our paws in the cookie jar. The focus … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Alfred Jarry, Billboard Liberation Front, Caravaggio, catherine gudis, craig baldwin, French Situationist, Guy Debord, Herman Hesse, mark dery, Martin Buber, Martin Buber Institute for Dialogical Ecology, Ralph Nader, Ron English, ronald wayne, Steve Jobs, Theodore Roszak
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will you stay or will you buy?
Rock the Cashbah.The commodification of punk. Was it all about the look? Art Chantry ( When these durn kids these days talk about punk bands, they always get all misty-eyed and slobbery over the clash. Yet, they think of the … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous, Music/Composition/Performance
Tagged art chantry, bernie rhodes, don kirschner, French Situationist, Glenn Beck, Greil Marcus, Guy Debord, joe strummer, john robb, Johnny Rotten Sex Pistols, julian temple, Julie Burchill, Lady Gaga, Malcolm McLaren, mick jones, morrisey, Sex Pistols, the clash
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“the adepts of the Free Spirit did not form a single church but rather a number of likeminded groups, each with its own messiah and each with its own particular practices, rites and articles of belief.” It is characteristic of … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Miscellaneous, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Carl Jung, Crechting Anabaptist, French Situationist,, Griel Marcus, Guy Debord, Jan Matthijs, Jan van leyden, Joachim of Fiore, Knipperdollinck,, Martin Luther, Marxism, Medieval heresies, Mennonite Church, Norman Cohn,, Philip of Hesse, Raoul Vaneigem, Romana Guarnieri, Sandro Botticelli, The Amish, Thomas Muntzer
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Culture Jamming and Visual Abduction
The ”liquidated” logos of French street artist ZEVS ( Schwarz Christophe Arhirre ) have drawn attention to the nature of graffiti art and recalled its origins which put the act and outcome within perspective and given it context within a … Continue reading
Bombing Science With the Zohan
Urban culture possesses its own art aesthetic with regard to graffiti, the subversive and restless cousin of municipally sanctioned mural art. In Tel-Aviv that expression finds its voice of insurgency despite the weight of cultural karma. Israeli graffiti artists have … Continue reading
Posted in Miscellaneous
Tagged Capzoola, French Situationist, Israeli graffiti, Mark Jenkins
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