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Tag Archives: Grant Wood American Gothic
innocent no more
To follow up on Rockwell, and digress further into some of the implications brought up by Richard Halpern in his book, The Underside of Innocence, we of course cannot confirm the theory posited by him, but there does appear to … Continue reading
forward to the past
Does authenticity have anything to do with the truth or are we conflating an idealized sense of self with a public perception of populism? Today, the mantra among the political pundits is that authenticity serves as the means to gain … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media
Tagged american gothic, Andrew Potter, Grant Wood American Gothic, harry truman turnip day, Helen Levitt photography, Jared Diamond, joe klein, marshall brain, martin ford, Michael Ferguson, Michael Moore, Naomi Klein, Ron Paul
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It does require a bit of inspiration to gain a full perspective on how Grant Wood’s “American Gothic” evolved from iconoclasm to icon and then off the edge into parody. Some have even asserted that ”American Gothic” ranks in importance … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Bruce Thiher, Carl Van Vechten, Christopher Morley, Gertrude Stein, Gordon Parks, Grant Wood, Grant Wood American Gothic, Jan van Eyck, Janet Haven, Jonathan Jones Guardian, Melissa Gray, Mia Fineman, Paris Hilton, R. Tripp Evans, Sherwood Anderson, Sinnclair Lewis, Susan Stamberg, Terry Pitts, Thomas Hart Benton
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