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Tag Archives: Harley Earl
turning on nickels and dimes
by Art Chantry ( ) 1958 was an important year for american automobile design. after the hugely popular success of the new stream-liningg space age styling of the previous few years, along with the enormous extended lengths and equally … Continue reading
planned obsolesence :to be unworthy we are
by Art Chantry ( ) the critics all talk about how we’ve entered into the era of ‘design as commodity’ like never before. so many designers are household names that we even buy clowns like phillipe stark in big … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Madame Pickwick Weekend
Tagged american graphic design, art chantry, brooks stevens, brooks stevens design, cadillac sea link, Charles and Ray Eames, Charles Eames, excalibur sports car design, george nelson modernism, graphic design, Harley Earl, harley earl motorama, henry dreyfuss, jackie gleason golf cart, oscar meyer wienermobile, philip stark, phillipe stark, Ray Eames, raymond leowy, raymond loewy, robin and lucienne day, walter dorwin teague, walter dorwin teague associates
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canned pyramids: american sales polish
by Art Chantry ( i think it’s high time we talked turkey about auto polish, don’t you? i know that you do…. for along time, i’ve encountered these crazy auto polish canisters (all dated from the 50′s and early … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media
Tagged american graphic design, art chantry, auto polish canisters, Frank Lloyd Wright, graphic design, Harley Earl, harley earl motorama, le sabre dream car, Paul Rand, ponzi schemes, tiffany design, tiffany stained glass
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with fins: trapped out of time
by Art Chantry ( i often get asked to do ‘presentations’ or ‘lectures’ or ‘talks’ (i dunno what to call them) where i stand in front of groups of people and show my work and talk about my ideas. it’s … Continue reading
cultural collision: fatal impact
The American dream, white picket fences and two cars in every garage…. Art Chantry ( ) Magazine cover of the week!! Well, maybe the half century? When we think back on the 1950′s, the cliched vision we concoct is … Continue reading