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Tag Archives: henry rollins
going gutbucket: aesthetics of leftovers
by Art Chantry: i LOVE gutbucket, crappy cheapo printing. well, in all honsety, i love all printing processes (except inkjet. i think inkjet stinks). but, there is something about bad printing, that sort of printing you get when you spend … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged art chantry, Curt Cobain, darth rumsveld, grant alden, grant alden the rocket, henry rollins, jack endino, Jack Endino producer, Kurt Cobain, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Nirvana Bleach LP, nirvana curt cobain, nirvana first release, Nirvana living in Tacoma, Soundgarden band, the rocket magazine, the rocket newspaper
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old wild men
The terse mottoes, the defiant songs. These were the liturgy and hymnody of the One Big Union’s cause.To the hard-bitten laborers of the I.W.W., the union was a home, a church, and a holy crusade.It lived always in the blast … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Alexander Berkman, arturo giovannitti, carlo tresca, elizabeth gurley flynn, Emma Goldman, henry rollins, i.w.w., j. edgar hoover, j. mitchell palmer, Joan Baez, Joe Hill, joseph ettor, old wild men 10cc, palmer raids, Thomas Frank, thomas frank the baffler, william d. haywood
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individualism as a performance art
Can we ever be free of conformity or is it just, as in Atlas Shrugged, part of what John Galt says, “part of escaping the necessity of choice.” Is the idea of making a choice, making decisions, a form of conformity? … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word
Tagged alex knapp, Andrew Potter, Anne C. Heller, Ayn Rand, Constance Rourke, david rieff, Edward Bernays, George Orwell, henry rollins, Herman Melville, joseph heath, paul leinberger, thomas frank the baffler, Thorstein Veblen
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when the revolution comes…
Joseph Heath put it very superbly. The modern condition, modern marketing and how criticism of mass society ends up increasing the cycle of consumerism. How books like “No Logo” by Naomi Klein actually make us more brand conscious and how … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media
Tagged Adbusters, angie jackson, arnold mindell, ben courtice, bianca mugyenyi, Emma Goldman, Gloria Steinem, henry rollins, james woolsley, johan norberg, john bellamy foster, Jonathan Chait, Maurice Merleau Ponty, Naomi Klein, seymour martin lipset, Steve Earle, Thomas Frank, thomas frank the baffler, Thorstein Veblen, Tom Peters, yves engler
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