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Tag Archives: Holliday T. Day
The woman’s legs seemed to go on forever. It was hard to tell exactly whom they belonged to, or what she was thinking, but their purpose was clear, dominating a billboard for a new condo…. drawing the eyes of admirers … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft, Music/Composition/Performance, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Aphrodite, Betty Grable, Billy Wilder, Bruce Hainley, Debbie Reynolds, Edmund Spenser, Feminism, Francois Rabelais, Gender and Politics, Holliday T. Day, Homer, Isak Dinesen, Jacques Derrida, Jane Mansfield, joan riviere, Joanne Pitman, Laini Michelle Burton, Leni Riefenstahl, Lucrezia di Borgia, Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich, Masaccio, Menander, Mikhail Bakhtin, miranda devine, Pamela Anderson, PETA, PETA Dan Matthews, Raphael, Sandro Botticelli, sara ahmed, Seneca, Sigmund Freud, Simon Houpt, Spenser, Sue Williams, Sue Williams Art, The Robber Bridegroom, Theodor Adorno, Travis Gertz, Vanessa Beecroft, Zoe Brigley
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Life and Art Not while the fever of the blood is strong, The heart throbs loud, the eyes are veiled, no less With passion than with tears, the Muse shall bless The poet-sould to help and soothe with song. Not … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous
Tagged American Cinema history, Andrew Sarris, Arthur Koestler, Billy Wilder, Cameron Crowe, Damian Cannon, Dave Thomson, Ed Sikov, Edward Bernays, Emma Lazarus, Ernst Lubitsch, Herman Melville, Holliday T. Day, I.A.L. Diamond, Jack Lemmon, Laurence Maslon, Marilyn Monroe, Paul J. Karlstrom, Paul Karlstrom, Philip Kemp, Richard Armstrong, Robert Johnson, Tim Dirks, Victor Morton, William Holden
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