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Tag Archives: jack benny
ustinov: comedic dissection
…Ustinov was particularly acerb about British education. “English adolescence,” he once said, “runs from first childhood to second childhood without a break. With Englishmen of fifty, one can see exactly what they looked like at four. With Italians on the … Continue reading
way over yonder up there
Robert Wadlow was the tall boy. He didn’t min the ribbing about the weather up there, but there were worse drawbacks to being the tallest man in the U.S.A. Up where he belongs… Until the last months of Wadlow’s Ringling … Continue reading
those dodgy heretics: mystic encounters of the third kind
The heretics who dodged the inconvenient texts of Scripture by allegory and symbolism relied ultimately on mysticism. Not all mystics of course were heretics; it seemed to depend on which texts they dodged. But the basic theory of mysticism was … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Alumbrados, Alumbrados burned in Catholic Spain, Bohemian Adamites, Christian Messianism, Christian mysticism, Christian mystics, English Ranters, French Libertines, Gary Cooper, harpo marx, jack benny, Matthew Fox, Pietists persecuted, Quakerism, Sandro Botticelli, The Ranters, The Zohar, Theodore Roszak
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