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Tag Archives: katherine s. dreier
alchemy of art: jangling the keys of solomon
With secret sound. The liberation of the subjective self. Magic squares and alchemy in art lending hermetic interpretations to deciphering works of art.It was the irresistibleĀ lure of certain of the Magic Squares of the Third Book, and their tendency … Continue reading →
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged alan schechner, anna freud, calvin tomkins, Donald Kuspit, eliphas levi, elliott barowitz, Florine Stettheimer, francis m. naumann, Heinrich Hoffmann, katherine dreier, katherine s. dreier, MacGregor-Mathers, Marcel Duchamp, margaret bourke-white, Michael Kimmelman, otto fenichel, rudolf herz, Rudolf Steiner, Walter Arensberg, Wassily Kandinsky, willaim agee
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