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Tag Archives: Lord Barrymore
DIDO FORSAKEN: Duties of the Ruling Class
Peter Barnes gained almost instant recognition, from relative obscurity with his play “The Ruling Class” in the late 1960′s. The play came at the height of the 1960s counterculture movement, when the youth of the western world began to openly … Continue reading →
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Antonin Artaud, Beau Brummel, Bertolt Brecht, Brian Sewell, Charles James Fox, Dr. Ben Johnson, Edward Bond, George Cruickshank, George Cruikshank, George Hangar, Henry Holland, Ian Christie, John Arden, John Nash, King George III, Lady Letitia Lade, Lady Letta Lade, Lord Barrymore, Michel Garnier, Mrs. Fitzherbert, Peter barnes, Peter Nichols, R.D. Laing, Rex Whistler, Robert Cruickshank, Robert Cruikshank, Sir John Lade, Thomas Kemp, Thomas Rowlandson, Zoe Brennan
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It was called killing with courtesy and involved all the passions that could raise blood pressure: family, race, wealth, sex, social class , honor and identity. ”On 15 November 1712, two leading scions of the British aristocracy met in a … Continue reading →
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Miscellaneous, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Aaron Burr, Adam Buck, Alexander Hamilton, Angelica kauffman, Angelica Kauffmann, Benjamin West, Boulton and Watt, C.J. Rawson, Charles Third Earl Stanhope, Coke Clifton, Duke of Hamilton, Frank McLynn, Heather Carroll, Henry Fielding, Hester Santlow, James Boswell, John Ellys, Kirsten Olsen, Kubrick Barry Lyndon, Lord Barrymore, Mary Anne Clarke, Matthew Darly, Mrs. William Mosely, Pistol Dueling, Ralph Earl, Samuel Johnson, Stanley Kubrick, Thackeray, Thomas Gainsborough, Victor Stater, Whig Lord Mohun, William Godwin, William Pitt, Zoffany