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Tag Archives: marc yankus
narrative qualities
Jesse Marinoff Reyes: …collagist and photographer, Marc Yankus. He and I have collaborated on a number of assignments over the years and Yankus’s work was always the “easy part.” I knew his effort would be beautiful, and possessing of a … Continue reading
cinematic eye
Jesse Marinoff Reyes: …collagist and photographer, Marc Yankus. He and I have collaborated on a number of assignments over the years and Yankus’s work was always the “easy part.” I knew his effort would be beautiful, and possessing of a … Continue reading
immortal combat
Jesse Marinoff Reyes: LIFE DURING WARTIME: A selection of my WWII (and one WWI) cover designs. In many cases history books (especially military or war) call for BIG type, and often big, generic type which to me is a shame. … Continue reading
Posted in Shake Your Hips, Uncategorized
Tagged dorling kindersley, jesse marinoff reyes, John Keegan, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, madame pickwick art supplies, marc yankus, martin plomer, michael smith author, normandy invasion, paul buckley, Robert Capa, robert capa magnum
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into a dharma sun
Jesse Marinoff Reyes ( Jesse Marinoff Reyes Design, Maplewood, N.J.) A Happy 90th Birthday remembrance to the Beat Generation icon and one of the great post-war American writers. The impact that Kerouac—and the Beats—had on both American literature and pop … Continue reading
Posted in Shake Your Hips
Tagged Allen Ginsberg, Beat Poetry, Bob Dylan, fred w. mcdarrah, Jack Kerouac, Jack Kerouac 90th birthday, jesse marinoff reyes, John Lennon, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, madame pickwick art supplies, marc yankus, mitchell hooks, patti smith, paul buckley, Paul Simon, Tom Waits
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