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Tag Archives: Philo of Alexandria
Trial. The trial that started a new millennium. The trial of Jesus. Was he condemned to death by the Jews, as tradition has held for so long, or was he really executed by the Romans as a political offender? …. … Continue reading →
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Barrabas, Barrabas movie, Caiaphas Sanhedrin, Flavius Josephus, Gospel of Mark, Hieronymous Bosch, Jesus and the Sanhedrin, Josephus the Jewish War, Juan Correa de Vivar, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Markan Gospel, Philo of Alexandria, Pontius Pilate, Rembrandt, Rossano Manuscript, Tacitus Roman Historian, Tiberius Caesar, Trial of Jesus
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