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Tag Archives: Rambam
land of milk and bunny
The rupture the internet meme was too hot for the “nerfies” in polyester yarn slippers at Madame Pickwick so the erstwhile Kardashian’s butt was still covered but re-branded as a Studio Backstage pub for the Montreal creative bar. “The society … Continue reading
into the heartland of heresy: religion as a private matter
Heresies. Recurrent ideas which break through the continually sealed crust of orthodoxy because they contain an important truth or an irrepressible human aspiration. And they don’t seem limited to one religion. In fact, monotheism seems to reinforce their appearances… The … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Albigensian heresy, Arafat and John Paul II, Arafat and the Pope, Bill Maher atheism, Foxe's Book of Martyrs, Giordano Bruno, Giulio Cesare Vanini, Goethe, Gottfried Arnold, Heresy of the Cathars, Heretics history, Jewish Heresies, John Wycliffe, Judith Butler, Maimonides, Montanist Church, Pedro Berruguete, Rambam, ross douthat, William Blake, Yitzhak Shamir
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tinkling the ivory: recital in the seraglio
Travel hint: Don’t mock Islamic beliefs about Paradise. Not even a John Milton connection about Paradise Lost. There are laws in Paradise, and its no place some some funky anarchist. Screw the Enlightenment. More Heidegger and less Voltaire. Although in … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Ahmet III Tulip Era, Auguste Roubille, Chris Hedges, Christopher Hitchens, Fazil Say, Fazil Say pianist, Franz Werfel, Gentile Bellini, Madame Girardin wife of French ambassador, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Martin Heidegger, Mimar Sinan University, Norman Finkelstein, Omar Khayyam, orhan pamuk, Rambam, Slavoj Zizek, Sylvester Stallone, Tariq Ramadan, The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam, Voltaire The Enlightenment
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