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Tag Archives: Ron Rosenbaum
redemption against a brick wall
The representation of trauma. What are the limits, the intersection between the desire to understand and the voyeuristic gaze? The conjunction of political and popular culture can collapse the meaning of distance resulting in a moral strain and ambiguity where … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged alan bullock, Franz Kafka, irving babbitt, Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, Josef Fritzl, Marcel Duchamp, Martin Buber, piotr uklanski, Ron Rosenbaum, rudolf herz, saul friedlander, Slavoj Zizek, the sound of music, Tom Sachs
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banality between the sheets: sucking on being
It has to be remembered that in the pecking order of European jewry before WWII, Germany was the absolute top of the hierarchy.There was no secular educational infrastructure to speak of in the East. The brethren from the Eastern ghettos … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Berel Lang, Bernard Wasserstein, boris lurie, carlin romano, edith birken artist, elzbieta ettinger, emmanuel faye, Franz Kafka, godley and Creme, Hannah Arendt, Hannah Hoch, hugo ott, jeremy waldron, John Heartfield, karl jaspers, kate fodor, Martin Buber, Martin Heidegger, max mueller, nathaniel popper, Ron Rosenbaum, victor farais, walter frank, william h. honan
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guilty by juxtaposition
A peculiar combination of context and coincidence.A new aesthetic discourse in Nazi representation. Is there an aesthetics of fascism? Rudolf Herz is the artist who took the seemingly incongruous combination of Hitler and Marcel Duchamp and combined the two in … Continue reading
Fool On The Hill
A forty-five year non-publishing silence. Thats a lot of writers block. Or perfectionism. Or something else. Perhaps the paranormal. Conflicting accounts have emerged of what J.D. Salinger’s been doing in the years since the 1965 publication of his last story … Continue reading