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Tag Archives: ronald searle
collect the gag panels on them
by Art Chantry: this is something else i collect – little corporate booklets of cartoons. basically, big business likes to commission gag comix from cartoonists and publish them in their magazines and advertising. they think that means they ‘support the … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged art chantry, charles addams, chuck jones, corporate booklets cartoons, Hallmark Cards, jackie onassis, Madame Pickwick, National Lampoon Rodriguez, Norman Rockwell, Robert Crumb, ronald searle, Salvador dali, Shepard Fairey, spain rodriguez, Winston Churchill
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killing time club: edumacation
by Art Chantry: this is an advert for one of those horrible “TIME, INC.” book clubs from the 1960′s. i don’t know how long it was around (the oldest examples i have are from the mid 1960′s). it was one … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Alan E. Cober, Aldous Huxley, alexy brodovitch, American illustration 1960's, antonio frasconi, art chantry, Dylan Thomas, Jacob Landau, James McMullen, James Thurber, Joseph Low, leo & diane dillon, Louis di Valentin, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Nathaniel West, Paul Hogarth, ronald searle, seymour chwast, Thomas Jefferson, Thrift Store Collectibles, Time Inc. book clubs, Time-Life magazine, tomi ungerer, TRP books
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comic art for the unwashed
by Art Chantry ( BACK before there were ‘underground comix” and the whole new wave of comic art magazines and even graphic novels, there were a number of cartoon illustrators who worked a lot of the same turf. they were … Continue reading