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Tag Archives: Senator Joseph A. McCarthy
fifties: rosy as in pink to red
The fifties. It’s somewhat of a modern myth; that special time when joys were allegedly unsullied, the problems were happy problems, and when trust and tranquility prevailed in the land… …The dread of Communism also created a nationwide climate of … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Buddy Hawk and his Buddies, Dean Acheson, HUAC hearings, Jack Holden & Frances Kay, Jimmie Driftwood, John Carter Vincent, Joseph Mccarthy, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, McCarthy era blacklist and witch hunts, Owen J. Lattimore, Philip Jessup, Senator Joseph A. McCarthy, senator joseph mccarthy, The Kavaliers Get that Communist Joe
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the fifties: east side stories
We have been through trying times these past several years. The urge to look back on what is perceived as a ahppier, simpler time is naturally very strong. We tend to canonize the fifties as stable and reassuring, a Golden … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Alan Lomax, Alger Hiss, Arthur Miller, Danny kaye, Dorothy Parker, Humphrey Bogart, lena horne, Leonard Bernstein, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, McCarthy with hunts, Olin Downes, Orson Welles, Pete Seeger, Red Channels pamphlet HUAC, Roy Acuff, Roy Cohn, Senator Joseph A. McCarthy
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dreyfus: baked in psychosis
The Dreyfus affair and the continuing saga of French “identite nationale.” It is imperative not to consign Dreyfus to the scrap heap of history. The time was la belle epoque and the stage was France, liberal democracy, Voltaire , Proust … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Allan Dershowitz, Capt. Alfred Dreyfus, Emile Zola, Esterhazy spy, Gen. Auguste Mercier, George Whyte, Georges Melies, Hannah Arendt, Leslie Derfler, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Roman Planski Dreyfus, Senator Joseph A. McCarthy, The Dreyfus Affair
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