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Tag Archives: Tatsuya Nakadai
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Jesse Marinoff Reyes: Last week we looked at 24 Akira Kurosawa film posters on the occasion of his 102 nd birthday, with many of the posters featuring his star, Toshiro Mifune. Today, we look at Toshiro Mifune on what would … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article
Tagged Akirs Kurosawa, Ed McBain King's Ransom, jesse marinoff reyes, John Boorman, lee marvin, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Tatsuya Nakadai, Terence Young director, Toshiro Mifune, Toshiro Mifune Birthday, toshiro mifune drunken angel, toshiro mifune hell in the pacific, toshiro mifune red beard, Toshiro Mifune Red Sun
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Akira Kurosawa ( 1910-1998 ) applied Western philosophy to Eastern themes in films that appealed to both worlds, but not always for the same reasons. Kurosawa used a narrative style to recount his stories, a form of cinematic deconstruction that … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Akia Kurosawa, Akira Kurosawa, Crime and Punishment, Dan Harper, Donald Richie, Heiji War, Ikuru, Japaenese Cinema, Japanese Film history, Maxim Gorky, Otero Vedi, Ran, Seven Samourai, Tatsuya Nakadai, The magnificent Seven, Toshiro Mifune, Verdi
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