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Tag Archives: William A. Tiller
dice need not apply: voluntary control
The cosmos is a giant thought? For well over a hundred years, scientists have systematically shattered the mechanistic universe, and made room among the black holes for ESP, psychokinesis, mindons, psitrons, and ghosts… …But, as Arthur Koestler pointed out, what … Continue reading
time hates waiting: in the dimension of likelihoods
…If there exist certain particles of matter not fixed in time- as we perceive ourselves to be fixed in it- then the line between precognition and recognition is more difficult to draw. Arthur Koestler was particularly impressed with the work … Continue reading
time reversal: those elusive psychons
…Here then, is a “thing” almost devoid of the characteristics of matter, coming to us from a different universe and probably ( since it has no mass and is unaffected by gravity) moving through a different time continuum. Could mental … Continue reading
an electron: a may, a may and a not
…An electron can pass from the orbit of one nucelus to another’s without passing through space between. It occupies no particular position in space when its velocity is under observation; when its location is fixed, its speed is indeterminate. At … Continue reading
parapsycho-illogical: leaning on the divine mechanic
Since the dawn of the twentieth-century, scientists have systematically shattered the mechanistic universe- and made room among the black holes for ESP, PK,mindons, psitrons, and ghosts… …The myth of scientific materialism rests in a historical context. In a sense it … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Albert Einstein, art blog, Arthur Koestler, Dr. J.B. Rhine, Dr. Luisa Rhine, Isaac Newton, J.D. Bernal, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Marcellin Berthelot, margaret mead, Marquis de Laplace, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, William A. Tiller
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paranormal: moving with matter
…The territory was so new that J.B. Rhine and Louisa Rhines’ first experiment got the very categories of telepathy and clairvoyance scrambled. Both experimental situations involved the Rhine cards, printed with the now familiar suits of star, rectangle, circle, cross, … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged art blog, Arthur Koestler, Daryl Bem Cornell, Dr. J.B. Rhine, Dr. Louisa Rhine, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, margaret mead, Mrs. Lucille Kahn, Paranormal psychology, Parapsychology, Psi Phenomena, vampira, Vanishing Point movie, William A. Tiller
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cosmic thinking: playing havoc with known principles
Shattering the mechanistic universe and making room among the black holes for ESP, PK, mindons, psitrons, and ghosts… …Parapsychological research can be divided- though arbitrarily and not at all neatly- into four basic areas. For convenience they are lumped together … Continue reading
cosmos as giant thought
For over a hundred years, physicists have systematically shattered the mechanistic universe, and by doing so have made room among the black holes for ESP, mindons, psitrons, and ghosts among others… The general public remains comparatively apathetic to psi research, … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged art blog, Dr. J.B. Rhine, Dr. Louisa Rhine, Edgar Cayce, ESP, John Singer Sargent, julie newmar, Kirlian photography, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, margaret mead, Mrs. Lucille Kahn, Parapsychology, Richard S. Broughton, Tina Louise, William A. Tiller
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