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Tag Archives: Yassir Arafat polonium
steampunk yasser: his gabriel’s horns
Thrift shops. Goodwill stores. It’s amazing what you can find there if you dig hard enough and reach into the bottom of the bargain bin or the pay by weight baskets. Of course sensationalism. TheĀ news report does not explain … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Ahmad Jibril, Arafat polonium poisoning, Ariel Sharon, Chaplin Monsieur Verdoux, Dr. Kurt Lisso, Edward Trelawny, Gideon Levy, Ion Mihai Pacepa, margaret bourke-white, Nicolae Ceausescu, Shelley's Skull, Suha Arafat, Yasser Arafat polonium, Yassir Arafat polonium, Yossi Sarid
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who moved the cheese?
Part of the Conspiracy Industry? Better to shoot first and ask questions later. Is thereĀ such a phenomenon as a cosmic consciousness, supreme, which sometimes articulates itself within the mind of the individual; the flash of inspiration seemingly out of … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged 1967 Six Day War, Abbas Zaki, abu mazen, Ariel Sharon, Attallah Quiba, Faruq Qaddumi, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Gen. Aleksandr Sakharovsky, Kofi Annan, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Nasser al Kidwa, Suha Arafat, Yassir Arafat autopsy, Yassir Arafat polonium
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dry bones: toothbrush testers
And presto! There’s polonium. Like magic. Like a bad propaganda flick, the blood libel appears in a new form. Arthur Rimbaud would laugh at this disordering of the senses; this artificial, contrived non-event that can be ascribed to an inauthentic … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media
Tagged Amin al-Husseini, Arthur Rimbaud, Dr. Eli Karmon, Israel Ketziot prison, Jean Genet, Jean Genet PLO, judge Edmund Levy, Khaled Meshal, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, MK Yariv Levin, Paul Hirschson, Suha Arafat, Yassir Arafat autopsy, Yassir Arafat polonium
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