….Turkey is putting up good economic numbers, and flourishing without the militarily imposed corruption that the Kemalist guarantors of secularism wallowed in as the price of preserving modern Turkey. Tiresome though Turkey’s anti-Israel posturing and pandering to the Arabs is, it is hard to begrudge the Turks being toasted and feted as an eminent nation in the Near East and North Africa. They stood, fez in hand, for many demeaning decades on the doorstep of Europe, like King Henry kneeling in the snow before the pope’s window at Canossa, to receive such condescensions as only senior European officials can inflict (on behalf of an EU that has now partially collapsed at Turkey’s feet).Read More:http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2011/12/31/conrad-black-at-year-end-the-world-stumbles-onward/
A full splendor in the art of the Ottomoan Empire. It is against the law of Islam for anyone to paint a portrait. On the Day of Judgement, the prophet Mohammed is reported to have said, painters will be doomed to hell for their blasphemous attempts to compete with God by creating life. If the religious laws were practiced as much as they were preached, Moslem artists would never have represented any living thing. Yet the Moslems did develop splendid schools of portraiture and historical painting, for they have been no more noted for strict obedience to religious laws than members of other faiths have been.

---The portrait of Mehmet II ... The painting is attributed to Siblizade Ahmed and can be found in the Topkapi Museum.---Read More:http://www.paradoxplace.com/Insights/Topkapi/Suleiman%20Topkapi%20Ottomans.htm
Over the centuries Islamic artists have painted pictures of dervishes, sultans, and saints, subjects from the Koran, the Bible, and Arab and Persian legends, and vignettes of everyday life, from women in childbirth to street sweepers at work. Palace walls were decorated with hunting scenes, or portraits of conquered kings, or dancing girls, and, in one case, even a representation of a Christian church, complete with praying monks.

---Information on Sultan Mehmet IIGentile Bellini painting Gentile was a court appointed painter under Mehmet II in Istanbul. The artist had painted the sultan’s portrait which is amongst Gentile’s prominent works. This portrait has truly represented the sultan with his muslim style turban and beard with moustache. He looks to be very meek in the portrait. This oil on canvas done in 1480 is at the National Gallery in London. Famous Gentile Bellini painting name :Sultan Mehmet II Year of ' ' painting : 1480. Museum at which ' ' stored :National Gallery, London, UK---Read More:http://www.famous-painters.org/B-Painters/Gentile-Bellini/Sultan-Mehmet-II.html
The Ottoman sultans of Turkey were in the forefront of Islamic society in their patronage of art, commissioning numerous portraits of themselves, their favorites, and their families. But this work was, often as not, done in secret, to keep the sultan’s subjects from discovering that he was breaking the religious law. Despite the secrecy, the Ottoman style of portraiture and miniature painting evolved into a distinctive and sophisticated art form, as splendid in its own way as Ottoman architecture, which is seen in so many beautiful mosques throughout Turkey and is usually considered the noblest accomplishment of Turkish art.

---Selim II “The Sot”, who reigned from 1566 to 1574, was Roxelana’s son and Suleiman’s successor (after she had organized the murder of the popular and talented Mustafa, his oldest son but by another wife). Unlike his predecessors, Selim was neither general nor statesman, preferring drinking and harem life to the affairs of state. Into this power vacuum stepped his principal wife Nur Banu (actually an Italian from Venice - really!), who took over effective power as the first of three chief wives / regent mothers in the so called ‘Sultanate of Women’ which lasted for several decades - the others being Kösem and her daughter in law and murderer Turhan. Corruption and intrigue became endemic, and after Selim’s death Nur Banu is said to have kept her son, Murat III (reigned 1574-1595), distracted by the women of the harem so that she could maintain her control over imperial affairs.---Read More:http://www.paradoxplace.com/Insights/Topkapi/Suleiman%20Topkapi%20Ottomans.htm
One of the most famous of the Osman descendents , Mohammed II, captured Constantinople in 1453, and put an end to the diminished Byzantine empire. Osman’s descendents led glorious but dangerous lives. Whenever a new sultan ascended to the bejeweled imperial throne, he had his brothers strangled to rid himself of rivals. Later, when the Turks became more civilized, or at least least barbaric and more pragmatic, the Sultan’s brothers, and often his sons were merely imprisoned in cages, next to the Royal harem, to keep them from mischief.
The court artists who were called upon to depict so august and all powerful a personage had a difficult task. They showed the sultan bigger than the people around him, his rich robes billowing out to fill an inordinately large share of the picture space.The painters, like almost everyone else who lived and worked in the Grand Seraglio, the enormous royal palace at Constantinople, were his slaves, about on a level with the servant who carried in the clock when the sultan wanted to know what time it was, or the man who bore an extra royal turban in public processions and bobbed it up and down to save the sultan the trouble of acknowledging the applause of the populace.