… Its the most unlikely, at least superficially pairing in the word. Christian fundamentalists and Land of Israel Jews in the West Bank or Judea and Samaria as they call it. A cosmic exile coming to an end? The old deicide imagery seems to lack the narrative hate that undermined its dissemination. The Wanderer begging on the door, tin cup in hand, tattered clothes on his back. No. These Jews , the hilltop people, these magnificent personalities like Daniella Weiss who could be plucked as original archetypes direct from the Bible confronted with ardent Christians defending their cause is an unusual phenomenon; the brutal Amona expulsion saw over three hundred people mostly young needing medical treatment and among them were Christians on a sacred mission bloodied and battered by Olmert’s thugs there is almost a redeeming and healing process at work, a profound desire to make things work.
…At the tail end of his 90 minute meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev in Seoul last week, Obama said that he would have “more flexibility” to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense, but incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to give him “space, “ABC News reports.Unbeknownst to the two leaders, the private conversation made public by a live microphone provide a clear pattern of Obama’s mindset and glimpse into his future far-left approach to foreign policy in the second term he expects to win. The implication is far-reaching, since he can do whatever he wants and he no longer feels accountable to America’s voting public.Read More:http://docstalk.blogspot.ca/2012/04/op-ed-israel-and-obamas-perilous-shift.html

Read More:http://www.nh4israel.org/2011.html ---An enthusiastic group from Christians and Jews United for Israel (CJUI) and NH4Israel-VISION joined together and traveled from Boston to Dag Hammarskjold Square at the United Nations in New York City on Wednesday for the Anti-Durban III Rally. Durban III was meant to help eradicate racism and address human rights issues but has become a forum to demonize and isolate only Israel.---
…Today the Christian arena is divided among the mainline Protestant churches, which are prominently anti-Israel; the Vatican, which embraced a new aggressiveness against Israel; the US Evangelicals, which are pro-Israel, and independent Protestant groups based in Europe, like Christians for Israel. It is true that some Evangelicals did not show a real tendency to curtail their missionary activities among Jews, but the hostility toward Israel and the Jews encouraged by institutionalized global Christians, such as the World Council of Churches and the Vatican, poses a much greater near-term threat to Jews. Read More:http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/11447#.T4m2t6yF9cc

Read More: http://ivarfjeld.wordpress.com/category/israel-jews-in-judea-and-samaria/ I am a Zionist believer in Yeshua. I share the same understanding of the Prophetic Word as these brothers and sisters of mine, in regards to the Jewish peoples right to live on the Mountains of Zion. We might disagree on who the Messiah is. But we are all waiting for Him....They have settled on the mountain tops and ridges, God of the Bible gave the descendants of Isaac and Jacob. Those who mistreat Jews who wants to live on the Mountains of Zion, will face a very brutal and tragic end: Ezekiel 39:4 On the mountains of Israel you will fall, you and all your troops and the nations with you. I will give you as food to all kinds of carrion birds and to the wild animals. Stand up for the Jewish peoples right to a homeland on the mountains of Zion. Do not agree with the secular Israeli Government’s immoral actions, making Jews homeless after settling on their own property.......Again I feel I have more in common with warm Zionist Jewish brothers and sister living in settlements in Judea and Samaria, than with could and lukewarm “Christians” who side with the enemies of God of the Bible.---When the Jews understand that they have been trapped into a false peace agreement, they will cry out load for the Messiah. Than Jesus the Messiah will return. Blessed is He, who will come in the name of Elohim. Amen....
Essentially, its the law of the Lord, however Christians and Jews may differ, against what is regarded as secular temporality, ephemeral pieces of paper with an expiry date, a commodity product to be bought, sold, traded, bartered, while personal relation to the creator is eternal and non-negotiable. It will be interesting to watch how this unfolds. That Jews collectively are not the chosen folks is not earth shattering, not to be able to a retort to this hideous insurance policy of a brand and besides, faith seems like a personal relationship shared and the notion of brother and sister can be interpreted widely. as the Hilltop people and “illegal settlers” are finding out, it may be to them, God’s guidance to cut their losses with, based on the Israeli governments false blandishments, outright lies, treasonous behavior and violence to its own citizens, all intrinsic to Zionism, and make proper alliances based on spiritual values. A good housecleaning never hurt morale. The State of Israel may have nothing to do with Judaism, though it may be Biblically prophetic, but not in its present state, cancerous as it is…
In an article written for Foreign Policy magazine, ‘Israel’s Secret Staging Ground” disclosed that Israel is secretly staging an airstrike on Iran in neighboring Azerbaija
hich would make an Israeli attack on Iran easier.The Obama administration want to make the plans public to disrupt any secret agreements between Israel and Azerbaijan that would leave the US in the dark, according to Moscow’s RT News.Read More:http://docstalk.blogspot.ca/2012/04/op-ed-israel-and-obamas-perilous-shift.html…Dozens of Israeli mail carriers in the city of Ramat Gan, a suburb of Tel Aviv, have refused to deliver Christian New Testament Bibles to residences, arguing that delivering the Bibles is forbidden according to their halacha laws, or the collective body of Jewish laws. The employees of Israel’s Postal Company were asked to hand out thousands of copies of the New Testament, translated into Hebrew, on Monday. Those opposed to the distribution told Israel’s YNet News that handing out the New Testament may even be considered illegal. ”We always distribute business flyers and we have no problem with that, whether we agree with them or not,” one postal employee told Ynet News.”But this time it’s different. This is missionary material, and from our understanding there’s a law against that. It’s not a religious issue,” the employee added.
According to the U.S. State Department’s Religious Freedom Report, proselytizing in Israel is legal, although “the government has taken a number of steps that discouraged proselytizing and encouraged the popular perception that it is illegal.” Read More:http://global.christianpost.com/news/israeli-postmen-refuse-to-deliver-new-testament-bibles-to-homes-71032/
…The two Christian groups have been politically active for many years on behalf of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. Two years ago, CFI published a photo book entitled Judea and Samaria in Dutch and today, launched the English translation of the book, which will be marketed to Christians all over the world. The book includes photographs of views and communities throughout Judea and Samaria, alongside verses from Jewish scriptures which relate to the places shown.
CFI representatives from all over the world gathered in Israel this week for their annual international board meeting, dedicating the day to the subject of Judea and Samaria. After a lecture on the region from a biblical perspective by Yossi Maimon, a tour guide, the group visited the Nahalat Binyamin Winery, and then visited special needs children in Ofra.Read More:http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/142946#.T4m8w6yF9cc
Yakov Rabkin is a pro-Palestinian hyper secular orthodox Jew. I find the view biased, negative and embellished; the predictions of a nihilistic outcome reflect a very crude understanding of what is actually happening on the ground….
( see link at end) Nowadays, Christian evangelicals take Second Coming of Jesus as an immediate goal, which is to be attained through the ingathering of Jews in the Holy Land. This explains the unconditional support that millions of Christians around the world offer not only to the state of Israel, but to the most militant Zionist settlers bent on “liberating” the entire territory between the Jordan and the Mediterranean. It is hardly surprising that Nakba finds even less place in the narrative of Christian Zionism than in the official Israeli discourse.
For the Evangelical preacher Jerry Falwell, the founding of the state of Israel in 1948 has been the most crucial event in history since the ascension of Jesus to heaven, and “proof that the second coming of Jesus Christ is nigh. [...] Without a state of Israel in the Holy Land, there cannot be the second coming of Jesus Christ, nor can there be a Last Judgement, nor the End of the World.” This enthusiastic support is overtly motivated by a single consideration: that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land should be a prelude to their acceptance of Christ, or, for those who fail to do so, to their physical destruction. According to a somewhat sarcastic Israeli author, their scenario is a drama in five acts, where the Jews disappear in the fourth.
The National-Religious Zionists—and the most highly motivated among them, the settlers in the West Bank—are driven by their own messianic vision and find a common ground with their Christian supporters. The state of Israel officially cultivates the Christian Zionists who, in turn, give it an unconditional support in many countries. “As soon as I say the word ‘Israel’, they cry out ‘Hallelujah!” an Israeli diplomat responsible for these contacts assured me. “You cannot imagine an audience better disposed toward us.”
While the influence of Christian Zionists may have waned in the wake of the departure of George W. Bush from the White House, their political and financial role in encouraging the continuation of Nakba through Zionist settlement in the West Bank remains pivotal. The most important organization active nowadays is Christians United for Israel: its otherwise informative web site about Israel does not mention Nakba.
Christian Zionists in their enthusiasm to provide a political expression for the affirmation of “Judeo-Christian values” find themselves at the forefront of Islamophobia. This makes Nakba even less visible in their worldview since the conflict in Israel/Palestine is presented not as a political conflict about land and water but as a result of the religious, ostensibly eternal, anti-Jewish hatred rooted in Islam. Palestinian resistance is framed as another manifestation of the Clash of Civilizations.
Christian Zionist commitment to Israel cannot be shaken by anything the Israeli government or the Israeli army may do to Palestinians. While for quite a few Jews, Israel is a real place with friends and relatives living there, for Christian Zionists, the state of Israel is the embodiment of Biblical prophecy, a virtual Israel. This idealisation of the state of Israel by Christian Zionists, and to a lesser degree, by Jewish Zionists, may constitute the most important religious obstacle to peace in the Middle East.Read More:http://www.yakovrabkin.ca/english/articles/judaism-zionism-and-israel/nakba-in-narratives-about-zionism/