The game started in 1948 with the establishment of the state. Someone has to continue playing the role of the donkey. A rage against the machine. To fight for home, wife and children. The citizen is the donkey tied to the pole, everyone went home; the wagon straightened up, the driver and the order giver, but the donkey is still crying, a rope in his mouth. As Israel remembers its dead on Memorial Day, the whole Zionist ideology can be called into question….
( see link at end) …Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpo, a leading figure in the struggle for preserving the integrity of the land of Israel, who is presently in the midst of last-minute preparations for the Gush Katif Museum dinner in New York on February 22, was summoned by the Israeli police for questioning last Thursday.
His interrogator showed him a video clip of a ceremony in Jerusalem over a year ago, with prominent Rabbis and Knesset members present. It showed Rabbi Wolpo presenting a “Hero of Israel” certificate, together with 26,000 New Shekels, to a soldier’s parents. The soldier, at a previous initiation ceremony held at the Western Wall to swear in new IDF recruits, had led a group of soldiers recruits in raising a banner proclaiming that they swore to protect the Jewish state and its people, but not to evict Jews from their homes. For this courageous act he was sentenced to 26 days in military jail. When any soldier is jailed for such acts, the Museum awards his parents 1000 New Shekels for every day of his jail sentence – “as a sign of esteem for their merit of having raised such children who are prepared to sacrifice themselves for the people and land of Israel,” as Rabbi Wolpo says.

Zoltan Kluger. 1938. Night Squad. ---However, he noted, the advertisement for the ceremony says that it is also meant for families of “Palestinian combatants.” Combatants for Peace’s spokesman, Avner Horowitz, responded to Eliyahu’s remarks and said, “No one in Israel, including the organizers of the protest, has a monopoly on grief and pain. The bereaved Israeli and Palestinian families who are taking part in the ceremony chose this way to honor the death of their loved ones, because they did not find relief in the state-sponsored ceremonies that are just as political as this ceremony.” Horowitz added, “The thousands of people who attended the Combatants for Peace ceremony in recent years attests to the growing need for such an event. For us, honoring the memory of the fallen is essentially an attempt to prevent the deaths of more people in the cycle of violence.” He said that Combatants for Peace and all the participants in the ceremony “are committed to non-violence and act in a variety of ways to promote reconciliation and non-violence” in Israel and in Judea and Samaria.---Read More: Image:
The interrogator informed Rabbi Wolpo that he is under suspicion of encouraging soldiers to disobey orders, a crime liable to heavy punishment. Rabbi Wolpo declared that he intends to continue on this path, because it is inconceivable that a young person initiated into the IDF at the Western Wall with an oath to protect his people and homeland, should later be compelled by his commanders to transgress that oath by aiding the enemy’s battle against Jews faithful to their homeland….
…By projection, this would also include the entire financial apparatus of the state; the common practice of “confiscating” bank accounts to assure taxes are paid and mortgages, control over foreclosures etc. Effectively the power to remove and evict someone from their home which is probably prohibited by the Torah as well. An by extension, America with its own punitive foreclosure process. There are no shortage of donkeys, a label that was decided for them…
…“I’m not encouraging disobedience to orders,” declared Rabbi Wolpo to the police investigator. “I’m encouraging soldiers to follow the order of G-d, who gave the entire land of Israel to the Jewish people and commanded us to settle every part of it. Disobeying orders are those trying to please the enemy by advocating establishment of a terror state in the heart of the Holy Land. We already see the results of that policy, following the expulsion of thousands of Jews from Gush Katif and northern Samaria – a senseless act that has already brought loss of life and limb to hundreds of Jews from missiles fired from the territory of Gush Katif, and that has only distanced us ever further away from peace!”

---It turned out, by Divine providence, that the Nakba day that was set, was the same date as the anniversary of the Gush Katif expulsion, carried out by Arik Sharon. Both ′fall out′ during the historic days of destruction and galus of the Jewish Nation.---Read More: image:
“Do you have anything to add?” asked the interrogator as he concluded his questioning.
“Yes,” replied Rabbi Wolpo. “From this interrogation chamber, I want to call on all our dear brethren who are soldiers to refuse any such order that is so clearly illegal!”Bearing in mind that this summons was issued over a year since the original award ceremony, some have raised suspicions that its odd timing was intended to intimidate the organizers of the Gush Katif Museum’s dinner in New York, warning them not to use the dinner to speak out against the government’s policies of concessions and evictions from settler outposts….Read More:

---A passerby heard his cries and asked him why he is crying. He said that he′s tied to the pole and cannot go home. The passerby noticed that the other end of the rope was in his mouth, so he asked him why he doesn′t remove the rope from his mouth. ′Why, then I wouldn′t be a donkey anymore.′ That′s our- Eretz Yisroel loyalists′ -problem. The government stuck a rope in our mouths, tied us to the traitorous government, corrupt judges, collaborating police, masochist media, and decided that we are their donkey. Period. The game started in 5708 with the establishment of the state. There was a total recruitment to fight the enemy and create the ′homeland.′ But all too soon everyone got exhausted, threw away the heavy ′alte zachen,′ stopped the theatrics, and went home. Of course, they didn′t give up the houses in Sheikh Munis, better known as North Tel Aviv, and they compensate the Arabs by persecuting the settlers in Yesha. What about us? We continue playing the role of the donkey! The rope is stuck deep in the throat, eliminating the ability to speak, ′because that′s incit
t.′ One must uphold the honor of those heartless judges, since that is ′disgrace of the court." The donkey is left with one option: to cry and bray and cry some more. The main thing is to continue being a donkey.---Read More: image:
Meir Margalit: We’re living in a city where poverty is spreading like wildfire, but our mayor doesn’t see these destitute souls, nor does he hear them….
…WE’RE LIVING in a deprived city, where poverty is spreading like wildfire, with many citizens already beneath the poverty line or teetering on its edges.
But the mayor doesn’t sense them, he doesn’t hear them. That’s why Barkat just doesn’t get the chief problem assailing the city he heads. Yes, the mayor understands Jerusalem’s merchants, industrialists and hoteliers, he’s attentive to them, and helpful.
But not to the city’s critical mass – Rehov Stern, Rehov Nurit, Shmuel Hanavi and Neve Ya’acov. This isn’t in his field of vision, not to mention east Jerusalem.
I often think, well okay, so he doesn’t do much to help the poor, but why make their lives more difficult, for heaven’s sake? Take his strategy: “deeper billing.” It’s a smart term, from the Hebrew language-launderette, a codename for gross and violent intrusion into citizens’ pockets. It’s a policy that sees a relentless pursuit of people, using legal threat and action. In a council meeting on Thursday, it was revealed that in 2010 alone, the municipality had liens on more than 90,000 bank accounts! I can personally attest to the humiliation involved in this process generated by Barkat from his sixth-floor office.Read More: