Although Sarah Palin is much maligned, her Democratic foil has to be Nancy Pelosi. Different ideology but essentially cut from the same cloth. Neither, based on past performance, can be considered the sharpest tools in the woodshed, the sharpest pencils in the box; in fact there appears little correlation between brains and wealth and political status.
Hard to believe that before the 2010 Congrssional elections that she was third in line to the throne. Almost scary to imagine foreign policy, domestic policy, the economy and the armed forces would be under this commander-in-chief. The latest scuffaw is over jewish voters migrating, crossing the floor to Republicanism which is likely more significant than the polls show. They don’t have to get hot under the yarmulke, as Pelosi is an equal opportunity gaffess, espousing the kind of white liberal elitism, and condescension that have become a hallmark of liberal politics….
PELOSI: But I — I think that he will. I think that he will, because the fact is when the facts get out. You know, as many of the Republicans are using Israel as an excuse, what they really want are tax cuts for the wealthy. So Israel, that can be one reason they put forth.
HUNT: That’s why some of the Republican Jewish supporters are really active.
PELOSI: Well, that’s how they’re being exploited. And they’re smart people. They follow these issues. But they have to know the facts. And the fact is that President Obama has been the strongest person in terms of sanctions on Iran, which is important to Israel. He’s been the strongest person on whether it’s Iron Dome, David’s Sling, any of these weapons systems and initiatives that relate to Israel. He has been there over and over again.
Actually, Obama’s failure to go to Israel since he was trying to shore up support among Jewish voters in 2008 has become a campaign issue. But it is her comment that Republican Jews are concocting complaints about Obama’s Israel policies, which have been criticized at various times by both Democrats and Republicans, to disguise their opposition to higher taxes that will strike many as offensive. Read More:
If a Republican accused Jews of voting for a Democrat because they’re rich people and want a tax cut, what do you think the reaction would be? I think that Republican would rightfully be branded an anti-Semite. But when a Democrat makes a comment like that, it slips right under the media’s radar range. Especially when the Democrat is none other than Queen Nancy Pelosi…..Read More:
(see link at end)…Ms. Pelosi.Pelosi on providing benefits for illegal immigrants:
“We have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities.”
and that we can fund these benefits by simply raising taxes, since these people are “Americans” too…
“Stock market profits taxes could go a long ways to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as “Americans.”
Nancy Pelosi truly has to be one of the most brain-dead politicians in Washington. You aren’t going to believe what came out of her mouth yesterday during a speech she delivered for the National Association of Counties. She is talking about Congress passing health-care reform and she says …
“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.” Mar 9, 2010
Nancy Pelosi, on the prospect of Democrats winning back Congress
“The gavel of the speaker of the House is in the hands of special interests, and now it will be in the hands of America’s children.” Nov 8, 2008
Pelosi calls unemployment checks a “stimulus” that is a “double benefit” helping “those who lost their jobs” and at the same serves as a “job creator”
“Unemployment Checks Serve As Job Creator. because It injects demand into the economy.” Read More: