sarah says

A betting person, with a weakness for betting and the gaming tables would be faced with a dilemma in discerning the odds between Sarah Palin and Nancy Pelozi as to which was the sharpest pencil in the box. Palin in particular, can come up with turns of phrase that recall the self-contradicting paradoxes of Yogi Berra, in the case of the Alaskan senator catapulting her into the realm of infinite wonder and mostly dismay…It seemed that on November 5th, on Russia Today, ( sorry bad joke), Fox, she asserted that America was moving forward over the course of the last several years, but not in a manner that was good for the country. It implies that a country can simultaneously advance while being tempted by crooked and circuitous paths that present the illusion of advancement but are actually regressions. To the mean. Nate Silver?

—” It ain’t over ’til it’s over “
“Never answer an anonymous letter”
” I usually take a two hour nap from one to four”
” It’s deja vu all over again”
” When you come to a fork in the road….Take it “
” I didn’t really say everything I said “
Yogi on the 1969 NY Mets…..” overwhelming underdogs “
When asked what time is was……” you mean now?”—Read More:

this is the transcript which they say was “rushed” but we are talking about themes of time and space here:

VAN SUSTEREN: As I talk to you, I met you four years ago when you were on the ticket — actually I met you with 2004 when you were mayor in Alaska as I was covering the Republican convention in New York. But I’m thinking as I talked to you, four years went fast, didn’t it?…

( the rebels want Romney):

—Seldom do you find Arabs anywhere in the Middle East who have warm feelings about America’s most recent war with Iraq, especially in Syria where many people were actively involved in supporting the Iraqi insurgency….Yet as Syria’s upheaval nears the two-year mark, many of those who are increasingly desperate for a foreign intervention to end the conflict now reference Iraq as a seemingly positive example of why America might decide to help. With an eye on the US elections, they say they hope the party that brought them the Iraq war might also bring America to Syria.
“The Republicans prefer using the military. Like Bush, he entered Iraq and Afghanistan. They use the military in all cases so maybe they will try to intervene here,” says Mustafa Abu Abdu, who used to be a psychology student before the war. “Obama will keep saying that [President Bashar] Assad must stop and that America is sorry about civilian deaths, but he will not do anything to help here.”…Read More: image:

PALIN: It went by very quickly. It’s amazing to be here on election eve and still haven’t really had a chance to take a deep breath and think about everything that’s happened in these four years. But our country certain has moved forward in many ways that aren’t necessarily good for the country, but tomorrow we have a chance to take it back and put America back on the right track. Read more:

—But perhaps they take quite seriously that teaching in the Old Testament, specifically in Second Chronicle 714, where it says the Almighty said if my people called by my name will humble themselves and pray and will turn from ways that are wrong, then the almighty will come in and solve problems and heal the land. And I think that that realization in that verse really has inspired a lot of evangelicals this go-round to get out there and vote tomorrow.
Read more:—Image:

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