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Tag Archives: Mitt Romney 2012
sarah says
A betting person, with a weakness for betting and the gaming tables would be faced with a dilemma in discerning the odds between Sarah Palin and Nancy Pelozi as to which was the sharpest pencil in the box. Palin in … Continue reading
under the cotton is the candy
by Art Chantry: of course, the really crazy shit starts after you get your ‘temple endowment.” although young men are raised to be potential gods (with their own planets) starting at the age of 8 (as a priest, a deacon … Continue reading
greatest horrors offscreen
Just in the nick of time. The eleventh hour. As the fuse was being lit….The bottom line is send cash. Lots of it. The propensity of regimes like Jordan to always be reduced to begging status, to fabricate fantastic plots … Continue reading