There is drought in the world. There are tidal waves and there is flooding. There is over grazing of both wild and domestic animals. There a bugs. Bug Bugs and nasty bugs. And hungry bugs. They all contribute to increases in the price of cotton that is found in demand in everything from running shoes, to Jeans. And even artist canvas. Cotton prices have surpassed the annual ingflation rate and continue to climb and its being reflected in the cost structure of the manufacturer which is being passed on.

Volume buying is not what it used to be; but there are significant savings…
Madame Pickwick just received a decent order placed at the end of 2012, to keep the prices hopefully until March 1. The Pompeii canvas line is our most popular line, given that the artists used to decorative painting can enjoy a very smooth surface with not too much of the fine art tooth associated with canvas. Plus, the quality has been fairly consistent and the size offering more than acceptable.

When the goods arrive, its all hands on deck to unload these monster pallets that usually surpass the limit of seven feet.