terrorism: an enduring industry

…Of the two types, the Yevno Azef , doubleagent, or the Joseph Stalin prototype, it is the Azef type that is more relevant to the terrorist threat as it presents itself in the world today. Our complex technological civilization offers many targets for the saboteur, and the imaginative terrorist can use such modern tools as plastic explosives, sub-machine guns, airliners, not to mention the video camera and so on. Imagine a present day Azef with all these tools at his disposal, plus some of the simpler weapons in the arsenal of biological and chemical warfare. And, finally, there is the danger that a terrorist group might some day manage to steal a nuclear bomb or warhead. What an opportunity for the fanatics, the death cultists, and the amateurs of Russian roulette on the planetary scale.

---This judgment ended a six year series of lawsuits in French Courts suing Dr. Shimon Samuels for writing that CBSP is a French organization that funds terrorism. and which is banned in the United States. The aim of the NGO was to raises funds for the families of Hamas suicide terrorists, a campaign masked under the slogan «For just 50 euros, you can sponsor an orphan in Palestine». The Court’s ruling found that the Wiesenthal Centre press release was backed by a report that was forwarded to the Interior Minister, which denounced, among other things, acts of anti-Semitism, ties with the Muslim Brothers and Sheik Qaradawi, an ideologue with ties to Hamas, who had authorized human bombs». click image for source...

—This judgment ended a six year series of lawsuits in French Courts suing Dr. Shimon Samuels for writing that CBSP is a French organization that funds terrorism. and which is banned in the United States. The aim of the NGO was to raises funds for the families of Hamas suicide terrorists, a campaign masked under the slogan «For just 50 euros, you can sponsor an orphan in Palestine».
The Court’s ruling found that the Wiesenthal Centre press release was backed by a report that was forwarded to the Interior Minister, which denounced, among other things, acts of anti-Semitism, ties with the Muslim Brothers and Sheik Qaradawi, an ideologue with ties to Hamas, who had authorized human bombs». click image for source…

That is why we need, not a new Holy alliance to stamp out terrorism, nor a pious, unenforceable U.N. resolution condemning its crimes, but practical, if limited, international co-operation to contain the menace. Evidently, if we can stop terrorists from massacring or ransoming innocent travelers at will, and deny them access to the weapons of mass destruction that might some day enable them to perpetuate a world holocaust, that is about as much as can be hoped for. But whether we can or cannot, terrorism itself will no doubt continue to afflict us as long as injustice does; nor will it be less inhuman until our civilization is.

---This movie is a fictionalized account of an attempt on de Gaulle's life. It is based on a novel of the same name by Frederick Forsyth. Forsyth has written many novels on various subjects including The Fourth Protocol, The Odessa File, The Negotiator and, of course, The Dogs of War. In this story, the OAS commanders decide to hire a professional assassin to kill de Gaulle after attempts to carry out the killing using their own organization have failed. They do extensive research on the world's top killers and decide on an Englishman, brilliantly played by Edward Fox, who calls himself The Jackal. The Jackal demands half a million dollars to carry out the assassination.---click image for link...

—This movie is a fictionalized account of an attempt on de Gaulle’s life. It is based on a novel of the same name by Frederick Forsyth. Forsyth has written many novels on various subjects including The Fourth Protocol, The Odessa File, The Negotiator and, of course, The Dogs of War.
In this story, the OAS commanders decide to hire a professional assassin to kill de Gaulle after attempts to carry out the killing using their own organization have failed. They do extensive research on the world’s top killers and decide on an Englishman, brilliantly played by Edward Fox, who calls himself The Jackal. The Jackal demands half a million dollars to carry out the assassination.—click image for link…


(see link at end)…”The only solution, Lewis concludes, is the Western recolonization of the Arab world, starting with Iraq ..”

I wonder.

What is a terrorist?

Saudis, Wahhabis, Muslims who follow the shariah, and suicide bombers, Orientalist Bernard Lewis told a rapt audience of mostly Jewish Americans in New Orleans last week.

Lewis, a British Jew who studied law but f

d to finish, apparently hates the sharia only slightly less than he hates Saudi Arabia generally and Wahhabism specifically. “A lunatic fringe in a marginal country,” he sneers. The West’s present troubles, Lewis avers, arise from “an unholy combination of two events:” the creation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the discovery of oil there.

The audience titters at the word “unholy.”

Encouraged, Lewis warms to his subject. “Imagine,” he offers, “if the Ku Klux Klan obtained the oil wells of Texas, and had all that money…a pale approximation” of what happened with Saudi Arabia. “Imagine,” Lewis urges, “that the KKK used all this money to establish a network of well-endowed schools and colleges all over Christendom, peddling their particular brand of Christianity.”

The audience gasps and shudders at the thought of Christianity being spread. Or is it a “KKK” brand of Christianity? Or Islam? Lewis is unclear, but on a roll.

Suicide bombing also has Islamic origins, Lewis insists. He admits Islam “clearly forbids suicide.” But this doesn’t stop Muslims from doing it, says Lewis, who shifts to the Assassins, spinning lurid tales of the dagger-wielding, supposedly hashish-smoking Ismaili sect’s practices in the 11th and 12th centuries that terrorized Crusaders and most of “Persia and Palestine.” The Assassins, Lewis claims, were “eventually suppressed” only to “reappear in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.” Read More:http://www.islamdaily.org/en/world-issues/middle-east/1401.an-evening-with-bernard-lewis-terrorists-tea-and-h.htm

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