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Tag Archives: Simon Wiesenthal
complicity in discourtesy
In his seminal work “Obedience to Authority” published in 1974, Stanley Milgram addressed this human capacity to abide passively and without protest in the face of heinous cruelty and blatant deception. Crucially, Milgram wrote: “There is always some element of … Continue reading
terrorism: an enduring industry
…Of the two types, the Yevno Azef , doubleagent, or the Joseph Stalin prototype, it is the Azef type that is more relevant to the terrorist threat as it presents itself in the world today. Our complex technological civilization offers … Continue reading
nobody’s perfect!
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Sort of. Maybe these posthumous conversions are seen as a service, to prevent the heretics from perishing in hell. They get to pick an choose over the dead, and these tend … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Anne Frank Mormon baptism, Christopher Hitchens, Elie Wiesel, Elie Wiesel mormonism, Harold Bloom, Harold Bloom American religion, Honore Daumier, Jerusalem Third Temple, Joseph Smith Mormon, matisyahu, Mormon Religion, Mormonism Mitt Romney, Nazi destruction of Warsaw, Simon Wiesenthal
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none was too many: but for whom?
Before the war was one thing, but after the war, Nazi’s could come to Canada after the war but Jews were still looked on as undesirables, although the culling out of the guilty in this absurdity is not that simple. … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Abba Kovner, Dr. Efraim Zuroff, Dr. Jeno Varga, Dr. Tom Segev, Guy Walters Telegraph, Irving Abella, Ladislaus Csizsik-Csatary, Nazi War Criminals, Rabbi Kramer Montreal, Rabbi Leib Kramer, Simon Wiesenthal, Simon Wiesenthal Center, Tom Segev, Valentin Holst, Vincent Massey, Wilco and Billy Bragg, Woody Guthrie Fascism, Zoltan Kluger
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i am curious yellow cheese
Lets go back to Ingmar Bergman. He once called Protestantism, “a wretched kettle of fish.” How to understand this Swedish pastor group and its anti-semitism? Bergman was always interested in the reasons, osbscure and unknowable behind unmotivated cruelty and the … Continue reading