what did you expect?
So it gets unpacked. The box of materials is marked: Love and fear. potentially combustible. handle with care. See a physician if symptoms persist. And in smaller print on the bottom; “the one after 806” and in even smaller print below, “coming home means 31×26 then say `hike`” The thought is that by allowing, permitting yourself the luxury of remaining in a self-imposed box, a comfort zone of carton, that limitations are secure in the knowledge of what you can’t know, that somehow, the path of least resistance are the physical needs and desires of the hear and wow.

if i’m going to build this darn thing, its going to originate in a space of assuredness. make that vulnerability with a capital V . It’s going to be curtain ripping and wormhole searching until those new garments is deranged in the closet within easy access.
If we view our present time in in a shad-doubty and cloudy farm of reference, why is there so much light emanating from the box? I’m not doing anyone a favor, but is intriguing that there is a small scrawled note on the official instructions that reads “be counter-intuitive and throw this plan of assembly away!” As the builder, there is a motivation to reach, grasp some lofty level of self-sacrifice even if initially, the plan was to go through the motions, grab the low lying fruit and head to the safety of the hills. This is seamless technology at a super-conscious level: to be enrolled for the task without consciously being aware of it and at the same time grappling with the context. The mission statement read, and I paraphrase from the obscure and arcane language it was scribbled in, “the first intention is to promote unification” After a spell, it does get tiring, even boring, beating up on the angels, threatening them, coercing them, throwing them into ladders, down ladders, kicking them into ladders…

public hysteria and graven images don’t ya lov it. clouds of glory my ass.
So, is cosmic purgatory then watching and waving as the world is being re=created at every moment, maybe a spectator to divine madness and what happens when you yell at reality and it and it and it wants to “engage” back? But banish mind melding and other distractions and back to constructing and creating from what is in the box and stop worrying about instantaneous delivery problems that may present themselves in the guise of leap motions and other construction detours ( to be discontinued at a later fate…)