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Tag Archives: Albert Bierstadt
kicking a rusty can down the road
Rusty. Shopworn. Used. There is something powerful in the American psyche that seeks to create the idea of a bygone time when life moved slower. Relive the Oregon Trail and be an ocular witness to the Last of the Mohicans. … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Albert Bierstadt, DCC Crafts, decorative painting, James Fenimore Cooper, john ford director, John Wayne, Kraft Klub Home Kreation, Last of the Mohicans, Lewis and Clark Expedition, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, madame pickwick art supplies, thomas moran
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The idea of American Manifest Destiny is not exclusive to the mid-eighteenth century, though the period of imperial “Westward Ho!” is one of the more conspicuous symptoms of that deeper, existential malady—the messianic mission to make the world over in … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Abbe Raynal, Adam Smith, Albert Bierstadt, American Indian Wars, American Revolution, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Ben Franklin, Bernard Jolibert, Bernard Picart, Christopher Columbus, Conrad Black, Dan Brown, Dan Brown The Lost Symbol, David Williams, Eanger Irving Couse, Edgar Samuel Paxson, Emanuel Leutze, Frederic Remington, French and Indian Wars, George Washington, Guillaume Thomas Raynal, Herman Atkins MacNeil, Howard Terpning, Jeff Nall, John Graves Simcoe, John Locke, John Trudell, Keith S. Thomson, Lewis and Clark Expedition, madame Vernet, Marquis de Chastellux, Marquis de Condorcet, Michael T. Lubragge, Randy Newman, Robert Redford, Theodor de Bry, Will Wilkinson,
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